Photographs of Perth, Western Australia |
Railway Stations in Perth Metropolitan Area
This series of photographs are of some of the 75(-ish) railway stations around Perth
Perth City Station
Perth City
The facade of Perth
Station taken from Wellington Street. It is all mostly original. The
train station was constructed across 1893 and 1894 and was designed by
Mr George Temple-Poole. Photograph 2007 |
Perth City
Perth Station has two new platforms
underground. Only opened a week ago, here is a train just about to
depart for Clarkson. See this place when peak hours crowds arrive or go
home and it is far too small and expanding it would cost a fortune.
There are also no facilities - no toilets (go to Hungry Jacks an
official told me), no Kiosk, and a mere 36 seats (compare 28 at West
Leederville) for hundreds and
hundreds of waiting passengers. Platform max train length is only 6
cars. 2007 |
Perth City
This is the mezzanine
floor of the new station. Limited escalators lead down to the platforms.
Six seats on this floor. A crush to get up to the ground or over to the
main station (a single narrow escalator going up only). Don't want to
sound negative as a fabulous job done with the budget but it can hardly
cope with passenger numbers now - how about in 10-20 years time? 2007 |
Perth City
Looking north up the tunnel from
the new Perth Underground Station. Up that way is back into the light
and off to Leederville. When the London Underground was first being
built around 1863, they used to dig up the streets, build the
tracks/stations, then put a roof over it and fill in the hole again.
Very inconvenient for road users. Henry Greathead invented the "metal
tube" that let the builders work underground. The basis of this
technology is still in use today. 2007 |
Perth City
Soon to be removed, here
is the fine old wooden footbridge (heritage listed, constructed in 1907) which links the main platform over to
platforms 7/8 from where the Fremantle-bound trains depart. This view is looking west down from the main platform.
According to press releases at the time, this bridge was to be stored in a PTA facility awaiting relocation and reuse.
That was 14 years ago (now is 2025). Be great to get some update on this. August 2011 |
Perth City
A glimpse inside Perth train station taken
from the old bridge which links platform 5 with 6 and 7 - where the
Fremantle trains leave from. Today 4 trains await commencement of their
journeys. August 2011 |
Perth City
Again from the footbridge, this photo
takes in some of the fine architecture of Perth train station. Pictured
is the "main" platform - the one closest to Wellington Street. August
2011 |
Perth City
ABB Walker set at platform 5 of Perth
station. This one would be bound for Armadale. June 2010 |
Perth City
Viewed from the iron footbridge. A Clarkson-bound train has emerged from the tunnel portal from the rail
underground. Those tracks to the left are used by Fremantle trains. This is looking east - over
there in the background somewhere is Perth station. The upshot of all the works going on around here
and in Perth station is to move the Fremantle tracks over to the right of the Clarkson tracks,
then freeing the land next to Roe Street for development. Then the inner city bit of the Fremantle line is covered. August 2011 |
Perth City
Reconstruction work on
Perth station has begun - the ultimate aim is moving the Fremantle tracks then partially covering them so that better access is provided between
Perth City and Northbridge. In this photo, the old wooden bridge is gone
and west-bound tracks have been lifted. December 2011 |
Perth City
Demolition and
construction work. The platform viewed was used as a terminus for
Joondalup trains prior to current works. This is looking west. December 2011 |
Perth City
Late December saw the
tunnels and Perth Underground platforms being closed for a few days for
maintenance. Joondalup line trains terminated on Platform 9 and departed
north from Platform 7. This EDI has just arrived from Clarkson. And how
easy to get a Midland train or walk over to Northbridge from here!
December 2011 |
Perth City
An update on all the work that's
going on at Perth Station. He's a look from the William Street Horseshoe
Bridge. On the right is the main internal building facade. The Armadale
trains now join up with the Fremantle line. Midland trains stop up there
in the tunnel under Beaufort Street where they turn around (figuratively
speaking) to return to Midland. Up there the Thornlie trains also
terminate February 2013 |
Perth City
Another view of the work again from
the Horseshoe Bridge overpass. A Fremantle train awaits on the main
platform 5. On the left, what were Midland Platform 9 and Fremantle
Platform 7 are now subterranean. A new passenger access tunnel can
be viewed with the top off (but not in this picture) linking underground
platforms 1 and 2 to this the old station. February 2013 |
Perth City
A look across where the Midland and
Fremantle lines went - platforms 7 and 9. Work progresses in moving the
tracks. In the distance is the main station building. February 2013 |
Perth City
From the old iron footbridge this
is looking east down towards Perth station. You can see the construction
of the tunnels going on which will carry Fremantle rail traffic when
they are completed. March 2013 |
Perth City
Another view from the old
footbridge. Here you can see the tunnel portal which will lead to the
main Perth platform and
the line opposite. These lines will carry the Fremantle trains. March
2013 |
Perth City
A quick update. This is looking
down platform 9. The Midland trains terminate here and then go back.
Much work going on around here June 2013 |
Perth City
The Fremantle train in the
foreground on platform 5. Beyond that is the the train waiting to travel
south, only as far as Cannington today. In the background is the Midland
train. June 2013 |
Perth City
A four-car ABB Walker waits on the
main platform 5 to begin its journey to Fremantle. Is the new platform
access tunnel underneath here somewhere? All looks almost normal. We'll see what happens in the
next few months. June 2013 |
Armadale Line
Belmont Park
First stop over the Windan
Bridge travelling south. Trains only stop here on race days. There is no
other need. This is the southern part of the station. The old station
here was known as Goodwood. It was a long, curved wooden structure with
no roof and served the same purpose - for race day patrons. In those
days, crossing the Swan River by rail was a single track over the wooden
Bunbury Bridge. January 2012 |
Belmont Park
Looking through an upper
level of one of the station entrances. In the distance the track goes on
to Burswood. You can see some of the new Burswood apartments off to the
right. January 2012 |
Burswood Stadium Station
Next to the new stadium is the railway station that will service that facility.
This is slightly south of the Belmont Park station. The rail lines will be re-routed through here.
The existing lines are off to the left. The station is due to open in 2018. Photo - May 2016 |
Burswood Stadium Station
The completed Perth Stadium Station. The opening coincided with the opening of
the Perth Stadium at the beginning of 2018. Although not in this photo, there were quite a few
people in the general area today, looking around, in playgrounds and in the Camfield but surprisingly
the trains only stop here on match days. Photo - July 2018 |
This is Burswood side on
from the north. The Burswood Dome is in the background. Another station,
slightly to the south of here used to be Rivervale. That went when this
station was built. January 2012 |
Victoria Park
Here is a sneak preview of the new Victoria
Park Station. It all looks rather grand and I see workmen in there
painting and bricking & paving to make it all look good, ready for
the opening. June 2008 |
Victoria Park
This is a picture taken on the old Vic Park
Station looking down to the new. We're on "old" Victoria Park soon to be
rubble. No great loss I suppose but it served the purpose over the years. Just up the
line & around the corner used to be Lathlain Station which disappeared a few
years ago. Too many stations on this part of the line as you could easily
walk from one to the next. June 2008 |
One of the tiny stations
(in terms of buildings) that feature on this line - some on the Midland
& Fremantle lines too. This is Carlisle, between Victoria Park and Oats
Street. January 2012
(Demolished 2023/24 to make way for elevated rail. (To be replaced) |
Oats Street
A small but busy station.
Both the Armadale 'C' pattern and Thornlie 'T' pattern trains stop here.
The level crossing gates seem to be down as much as they are up! January
(Demolished 2023/24 to make way for elevated rail. (To be replaced) |
A typical small intermediate station, Welshpool
featuring Wesfeeds in the background! October 2012
(Demolished 2023/2024 for elevated rail project. (Not to be replaced) |
Quite an attractive
station by modern standards. The rail lines are up above. The station
design gives people free access to both sides of the tracks without
having to cross them. January 2012 |
Beckenham Station used to
be called Higham. The station is in two parts on either side of the road
crossing. This design would cause the boom gates to raise once the train
has crossed and is paused at its platform. Keeps the traffic moving
unlike at Oats Street. January 2012 |
Thornlie Station is at the
end of a small spur line which branches off the main Armadale line just
south of Beckenham then follows the southern freight line down as far as
Spencer Road. The station and consequently the line was opened on August
2005. January 2012 |
Whoever designed Thornlie
did a good job. The platforms are crisp and wide and undercover. The
station also has a good kiosk for snacks, drinks, newspapers etc.
January 2012 |
This is inside the Gosnells railway station. The whole structure looks quite impressive.
Along with Armadale and Kelmscott in the area, the station has been considerably redeveloped in recent years
as a modern railway complex together with its complimentary bus transfer station. Photo - May 2011 |
The functional Seaforth station on the
Perth - Armadale line, just a few kilometers south of Gosnells station.
Next stop south is Kelmscott. While we're on the subject, who can
remember Stokely station which was 2 kilometers north of Gosnells? May
2011. |
The train station viewed from down line to
Armadale. You can see construction works and nice heavy, rainy clouds in
the background. The platform has been extended to cope with longer trains. July 2008 |
The maze of pedestrian crossings across
both lines and the bus lane at the southern end of the station. April
2011 |
One of the few stations on
the Perth network that probably looks better now than it did in the
past. Nice design and good craftsmanship in the building. Those old railway
sleepers laid out the front add a nice touch. Well done those involved.
This will last 100 years! January 2012 |
A metro station yes but
metro train services don't run here as the electricity finishes at
Armadale. Pre-electrification, selected Armadale diesel passenger
services used to come down to Byford. There is talk of extending the
electric line down to here as Byford is really growing. Deja Vu for some
locals? Have to build a station to accommodate the trains (again).
January 2009 |
Fremantle Line
West Leederville
Second stop out of Perth
en route to Fremantle is West Leederville. Tiny waiting rooms, the
overhead passenger bridge has gone but the wooden bridge foundations
remain (as you can see). This is an extra-long station now - it has been
extended to handle 6-car EDI's ex-Mandurah line which run as Football
Specials "in season". Another special Football platform exists on a
branch line a couple of hundred metres west of here.
January 2012 |
At the top (north) end of
Rokeby Road, here is the train station complex. The train lines are
underground. One time there was a fine old wooden train station here.
The old station has been preserved and now lives proudly in Whiteman
Park. I like that leaning clock tower and mirror! Jan 2008 |
Walking across Subiaco station, look down
and you can see this tunnel portal. At the other end of this tunnel is
near Daglish station (which is above ground). January 2011 |
When Subiaco station and
lines were sunk, the old Subiaco station and signal tower were removed.
However, here they are, safe and well and now living at Whiteman Park.
December 2010 |
Daglish station looks the
same as it ever did with its tiled roof and wide verandahs. The ticket
office window (left, where the sign is now) is bricked up and the
station master gone. Still, good to see the original brickwork and
building intact. This station was built in 1924. January 2012 |
A long-time favourite
landmark at Daglish station is the station name written in hedge on the
east side of the station. I can personally recall this from 1966 so it
goes back beyond then. I could only get the "Dag" bit in this picture.
Some of the letters have not been looked after particularly well.
Perhaps that was the job of the station master when there was one here? January 2012 |
Loch Street
Loch Street station looks good today.
The platform was recently extended to cater for 4-car trains (as was
Grant Street), so no more Fremantle 'L' pattern trains. This station is
so close to Karrakatta but retaining them (and others on this line)
probably saves on rail car-parking space. They could never introduce EDI
3-car sets on this line as it would be a backward step in peak hour,
plus the stations could not handle the EDI 6-car sets. A conundrum for
the railcar buyers! September 2009 |
Part of the original station viewed from
the platforms now in use. Claremont is one of the few metro stations to
retain some of its original buildings. Preserved here also is the old
wooden footbridge. Feb 2008 |
One of the original 'A'
class (ABB Walker) electric sets pauses at Swanbourne on its ways to
Perth. This is only a 2-car set on a quiet Sunday afternoon. These units
commenced operating in about 1991 between Fremantle and Midland. After
20 years, they are still going strong. January 2011 |
A view south down the Cottesloe
train platform. The old station has gone but the pedestrian bridge is
still intact (although it was undoubtedly made of wood in years gone
by). To the left of picture is just a sliver of the original platform
that was used for Fremantle-bound trains. It's still there but not
publicly accessible. April 2013 |
The facade of the Fremantle train station.
This place hasn't changed a single iota in decades. The station was
built in 1907 and placed on the Heritage List in 1974. Interestingly,
the original Fremantle station was constructed down near Cliff Street in
1881 but moved to this site to provide a better rail service for
Fremantle port. 2007 |
A closer view of the station inside. The
archways lead from the platform to the outside of the station. A grand
reflection of the prevailing architecture of the 1900's. October
2010 |
Here is 'The Esplanade' railway station adjacent to the Esplanade Reserve.
This is on the Fremantle to Spearwood section of the line which runs beyond, all the way through
to the Armadale line, and was constructed in 1906. This station, along with Success Harbour,
South Beach and Spearwood, were temporarily used as passenger stops during the 1987 America's
Cup challenge. Only freight trains pass through here now. Photo - May 2008 |
South Fremantle
Next to Marine Terrace and opposite the end of King William Street is the now disused
Success Harbour Railway Station. The line from Fremantle to Spearwood opened in 1906. The platform is
quite long but looks rather compressed in this zoomed picture. Photo - November 2015 |
South Fremantle
A look along the platform of the Success Harbour railway station. The vehicles parked
on the street in the background are on Marine Parade. The only rail traffic coming though here now
is the occasional train moving freight from the Fremantle Port north wharf through to Kewdale.
The track along here is still dual gauge. Photo - November 2015 |
South Fremantle
At the end of South Terrace and next to South Beach is the now closed South Beach railway station.
This is situated a couple of kilometres south of the Success Harbour station. Photo - November 2015 |
Midland Line
East Perth
The Whiteman Park Junction railway station
- chief station of the park's light railway. This station building was
originally East Perth station before the name change to Claisebrook and
eventual re-location here. December 2010 |
Part of the old train station has been
preserved, and here it is, looking rather grand. Maylands station was
built in 1896 and then called "15 mile siding" (15 miles from
where .. probably Fremantle?). From 1897 to 1899 it was known at Falkirk. It seems uncertain
how and why the name Maylands was adopted. Photo - June 2010 |
This is the back view of the old train
station, facing Whatley Crescent. The parcels office etc. Photo - June 2010 |
Meltham train station's footbridge is a road to nowhere as presently there
is obviously work going on. This station was built in 1948 to cater for a rapidly growing
local population. It was a long walk to either Maylands or Bayswater station. From 1913 to
1948 only a signal box existed at the station site. Photo - June 2008 |
Meltham train station and facilities looking south from the overhead footbridge.
The next station along from here is Maylands. Visible on the horizon are some Perth city high-rises.
Photo - July 2021 |
Here's Bayswater train station. About half
way between Perth and Midland, and it's usually quite busy. Photo - September 2010 |
How about this for a transformation? The old station has gone! These 2 entries, one for platform 1 and 2, and the other for platforms 3 and 4,
underneath the overpass/tracks at the start of Coode Street. There is still work being carried out on platform 3 so I'll snap that later when all is completed.
Metronet here have been substantially expanded to better cater for the High Wycombe line, plus the imminent Ellenbrook line. Photo - August 2024 |
Now that the Ellenbrook line is open, all 4 platforms at Bayswater are operational. Platforms 1 and 2 are used for the Perth-Midland trains and return.
Platforms 3 and 4 are used by the High Wycombe and Ellenbrook spurs. Phew, places like Maylands must be getting a train about every 5 minutes in each direction. Photo - February 2025 |
Bayswater to High Wycombe via Airport Spur Line |
The Airport Line officially opened on Monday 10 October 2022. Here is Redcliffe station set conveniently very close to many houses.
Catch a bus to the domestic terminals (3&4) from here. As with the next two stations, they are no works of art but they are very clean and utilitarian.
The trains whizz through the tunnel, it only took about 4 minutes to here from Bayswater. Photo - December 2022 |
Airport Central
Airport Central is set in what used to be a part of the short-term parking area. It is set a fair way from Terminals 1 and 2
though they do have a couple of moving walkways in that elevated passageway over on the left.
No baggage trolleys in the station so minimise what you take with what you can walk with. Photo - December 2022 |
Airport Central
I left the station and walked over to the International Terminal. Loads of people checking in,
lots and lots of cars outside dropping off passengers. On the trains I was on both ways, there were not more that
5-6 passengers per car (3-car service) and that is Friday, early afternoon. Old habits die hard they say. Photo - December 2022 |
High Wycombe
High Wycombe is a rather grand building, it is large and sparkling. Only one platform in use right now, the other is still in construction.
Trains run here from Claremont.
OK now, it's back to Bayswater and then on to Bassendean on the Midland line. Photo - December 2022 |
Bayswater to Ellenbrook via Morley Spur Line |
The first train running to Ellenbrook with paying passengers was on 09 December 2024. Here is the new Morley station,
the first on the spur line heading north after Bayswater. The station is a rather grand affair as they tend to be these days. Photo - February 2025 |
A view across Tonkin Highway northbound to the station from up top of the multi-storey carpark.
I guess there was not enough land around here for the usual ground level parking.
This multi-storey capacity is perhaps fairly limited. Going north from here, the stations in order are Noranda,
Ballajura, Whiteman Park and Ellenbrook. Lots of parking in those places. Photo - February 2025 |
Whiteman Park
Compare this photo to Morley and it is easy to see these stations are built to a recipe.
Not a huge variation on the theme so they are very utilitarian and of course so they should be. The station is right
on the eastern perimeter of Whiteman, next to Drumpellier Drive. The station would mainly service the new suburbs
of Brabham and Dayton. It's early in the week but loads of parking spaces were available here toay, also at Ellenbrook, Ballajura and Noranda.
That will change in time. Photo - February 2025 |
The end of the line, for now anyway. It took all of 16 minutes to get here from Bayswater.
It would be hard to equal that on the roads. Nice trip, plenty of room on a 3-set B-Class.
This line is restricted to 3-4 car consists as station platforms south of Bayswater are too short accommodate the 6 car sets,
which completely rules out the new C-class rail sets being assembled at Midland as they can't be decoupled. Photo - February 2025 |
Trackside view here. Possibly a little smaller and open than its southern neighbours.
This is right in the middle of Ellenbrook, a boon for the townsfolk. The Brook Bar and Bistro etc are so close you could easily walk here.
Speaking of futures, I see that there is a corridor of land set aside for some rail extension one day. Good thinking. Photo - February 2025 |
Bayswater to Midland - Back on the Main Line |
The west side of
Bassendean station. The station was substantially redeveloped some years
ago, adding all that infrastructure in the right of picture, and a bus
depot on the west side of the station. Bassendean is the only station
outside of Perth that has three elevators. The line in the distance is
wending its way to Success Hill. Photo - December 2011 |
This is the northern end
of the station showing part of the original station. This view is
looking back south towards Ashfield. December 2011 |
Success Hill
Success Hill train station is one station
up towards Midland from Bassendean station. Some rather nice properties
around these back streets. Here you can see The Prospector about 10
minutes into its journey to Kalgoorlie. July 2010 |
A fine view of the station looking from
the west end. The brickwork and roof seems to be of the same vintage and
design of Daglish, however, this was build earlier - in 1898. You can see the footbridge
in the background. Beyond that,
up the line, is East Guildford, Woodbridge and Midland. October 2010 |
The end of this passenger
line. It used to extend much further - up the hills to Mundaring etc.
This platform is where the Prospector and Avon Link stop. You can board
via those sheep loading guides. Off to the left is the mainline on which
run intestate freighters and the Indian Pacific. December 2011 |
A two-car ABB set rests at
Midland on completion of its trip up from Fremantle. After about a
ten-minute break it will be on its way back to the Port. December 2011 |
Yanchep Line
Leederville train station taken from the
north. I believe the architect who designed this was inspired by a wave.
And indeed it does resemble a wave. 2007 |
The second stop up from
Perth on the Yanchep line. Glendalough station is built right over
Scarborough Beach Road and therefore a popular transfer point for buses
to and from Scarborough Beach. January 2012 |
The third stop up from
Perth. The rather space-age looking structure is Stirling, next to the
Cedric Street freeway overpass and close to the new Ikea complex.
January 2012 |
Warwick station taken on a stormy summer afternoon. Who can tell
the difference between this and Whitfords station - they are almost
clones - and indeed they are both of the same design and both
constructed around 1992. January 2011 |
Part of Warwick Station viewed from the
footbridge over the freeway. January 2011 |
This is Greenwood Station which is located
between Warwick and Whitfords. The station was built some years later
than those two mentioned. 2007 |
Probably the best located
of all new suburban stations simply because the rail infrastructure went in
well before the area really developed. The station is off the freeway
and right next to the rapidly growing shopping complex. So here is Joondalup train station looking
down on the submerged platforms. 2007 |
The very end of the north-south suburban
rail line (at least by 2007, anyway). It's about a 70-minutes run all-stations from Mandurah. You'd
never do that in a car! At the train station - 2 trains at the platform
this Saturday! 2007 |
Butler station is in advanced construction and is due to open towards the end of 2014. Here it is!
The rail tracks are not yet at the station but are only 100 metres or so away. Electric cabling and pylons north
of the Nowergup depot are yet to be constructed. October 2013 |
An update on the new Butler Station. The wraps are off. The track is in.
The carpark is built. Electricity has arrived. All we need now are for trains to come and
go which will happen very soon. The station opened on 21 September 2014. Photo - June 2014 |
Transperth passenger rail sets commenced running on the Butler to Yanchep extension on Sunday 14 July 2024.
This section includes 3 new stations, this one, Eglington and Yanchep. So the former Joondalup line has now become the Yanchep line.
This station is located on the east side of Marmion Avenue, set slightly south of the residential areas. July 2024 |
This is the concourse area showing train movements on the signs. The three platforms and trains are down below.
I boarded a north-bound train (about a week after the line opened) at Warwick and it took just over 30 minutes to arrive here
which is wonderful. North of Butler passenger numbers were very sparse (mostly old stickybeaks with cameras like me)
but as these centres develop, that will surely change. July 2024 |
Mandurah Line
Elizabeth Quay (formerly Esplanade)
Travelling south from
Perth, this is the first station on the Mandurah run. This is the
Esplanade Station just one week after opening! Oct 20th 2007 |
Elizabeth Quay (formerly Esplanade)
The new Esplanade Train Station. This
opened just 6 days ago so it's nice and clean and still sparkling. This
is pre-opening of the Mandurah line, so trains switched back just beyond
this station to go back north again. Oct 20th 2007 |
Canning Bridge
Canning Bridge train station
shortly after it was opened. That other platform over there will get you to Mandurah. We're
back off to Perth on the next train coming up from Mandurah. January
2008 |
South over Mount Henry
Bridge and the next stop is Bullcreek. The front concourse of the
station - the bus zone - is much the same as others on this line but at
least this one displays it's name in giant letters. January 2012 |
Looking along the
Bullcreek platforms from the north. Orange is the colour of the Mandurah
line. January 2012 |
Murdoch station viewed
from the car park on the south-western side. Unlike some of the other
stations on this line, it is quite easy to get a good view of the
complete structure. January 2012 |
Cockburn Central
Speaking of getting good
views, it is almost impossible to photograph Cockburn Central unless you
are on the freeway or on the bike track! This is a view along the
platforms from the north. Track on the right is the up-line to Perth.
January 2012 |
Rockingham station - why
was this built so far away from town? It's actually in Cooloongup and
not in Rockingham at all. Might as well have been in Baldavis then catch
a plane to Rockingham. Still, quite a nice station even though it's
misnamed. January 2012 |
Many people enjoyed the train trip from
Perth on the very first day the Perth-Mandurah train line opened. This
is 23 December 2007 at around 3.30pm on Mandurah Station Platform 1.
So far away from town though. 2007 |
The end of the line. Two
EDI sets take a hard-earned rest after their trips from Clarkson.
January 2012 |
Other Lines No Longer In Service
Chidlow's Well
Chidlow's Well train
station by Lake Leschenaultia. The lake was specifically constructed as
a watering resource for passing east-west steam locomotives. It is
unlikely that this station is "original" however the line certainly
passed by here so its inclusion on this page is worthy. Looks nice
anyway! December 2011 |
Here is another station on
the old Midland-Mundaring line that has survived. The line was actually
split between Midland and Mundaring. The northern branch went through
the Swan View Tunnel, Parkerville etc whilst the southern branch took in
Bellevue, Darlington, Glen Forest etc. May 2011 |
In the John Forrest
National Park. There were several train stations along
this line, amongst which was National Park Station. This is all that remains of
the station. The station was built in 1936 and provided an alternative
to Hovea Station for National Park visitors. This is part of the old
line, Midland to the east. October 2010 |
This station is in the Kalamunda Historic Village. In the old days
trains ran up here. They got up the hills via the Zig-Zag. Here is part
of the old Kalamunda train station. The line opened in 1891 to carry
Canning Mills timber to Fremantle. It closed in 1949. July 2008 |
Just down from the old Station Master's
House is the railway easement and in this picture is a replica signal
box in which the kids can play, plus a few well-kept railway signals.
This photo takes on part of the old railway platform, and a line of
railway sleepers set in concrete. To the right is a small amphitheatre.
You can see part of the first three tiers. May 2011 |
Swan View
Just off Curve Road is this replica
Swan View train station. On the same site as the original, it was
completed in 1996 as a project between local, state and commonwealth
governments. May 2011 |
Swan View
Another photo of another section of the
Swan View train station. This line left Midland, went through here,
through the tunnel, through John Forrest, Parkerville, Mt Helena,
Chidlow and on out to the east. The line closed in the 1960's. May 2011 |
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