Photographs of Perth and the South West of Western Australia

Above photo: Coolup access road from South Western Highway. There is the store. Photo December 2010

"Photographs of Perth and the South West of Western Australia" is one of the biggest and most comprehensive range of photos of Perth City, Perth suburbs, and nearby country towns on the Internet. Provided with each photo is a description, when taken, and perhaps a little history as well. Click on an image to enlarge it. Click on the large image to shrink it back down again.

From Northampton and Wubin in the north; to Southern Cross, Bullfinch, Beacon and Hyden in the east; to Albany, Walpole, Cape Leeuwin, Pingrup and Jerramungup in the south; extensive pictorials of Perth City, Fremantle City, and many city suburbs, this website contains over 7,000 large images.

Every locality is linked to its adjacent geographic locations so you can move through the pages as if you are taking a real tour. If you wish, you can start off in Perth City, then move through the adjacent city areas. In those you will encounter city exit points which can eventually take you far and wide.

The site is designed so that you can move through every locality without having to re-start or without having to do too much back-tracking. Alternatively, select a locality of your choice from "Locality A-Z" up on the top menu bar.

There are currently 383 localities on this site with new ones being added regularly. I wonder what the minimum amount of moves it would take to pass through all of them? I'm not going to try that - well, perhaps one day.

All photos published in this website, "Photographs of Perth", are copyright of the webmaster

Contact: - re copies of pictures, suggestions, problems, additional information etc

| Last Updated: March 18, 2025 | Image count at latest update = 7,418 | Visitor:

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