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Railway Stations in Rural Western Australia

This series of photographs are of a few of the railway stations on lines around the South West & Wheatbelt



Good to see the railway station preserved. This is still the local terminus for Trans W.A. although it's all buses these days. The station was opened in 1899 as the southern terminus of the Great Southern Railway. The last passenger train to arrive here was in December 1978. Since 1994, this building has also been used as the Albany Tourist Bureau. Photo - October 2014



The Beverley train station looks very impressive and is being well preserved. You can't get on the platform right now and anyway, there are no passenger services running through here anymore. The Albany Progress would have come through here and stopped years ago. These days the train line is mainly used for grain haulage. September 2010



The train station is in poor repair. I am not sure this ever was a passenger stop - perhaps it was a rail administration building? There are no other buildings around resembling a station. October 2011



On the old Collie - Narrogin line, this is Bowelling, between Collie and Darkan. No tracks left now but the station is being well kept. October 2011



This is what is left of the Boyanup railway station. You can see the remains of the platform. That old English oak tree was planted on 12th January 1904 by one Terence Reilly, commemorating the birth of his 4th son, Hugh. Another plaque on the platform remembers the completion of the Bunbury - Boyanup rail line on 12th March 1891. Graham McKinnon (local MLC) unveiled the plaque in 1979. February 2011


Boyup Brook

This is a bright view of the Boyup Brook station platform. There are hints of some tracks around - some have become buried under the sand and gravel. The line to Donnybrook has gone. April 2012



The Bridgetown railway station. The tracks are still here but like most of rural Western Australia, all that's missing are trains. The station now is the Environment and Land Care Centre. April 2012



Brookton station looks in pretty good condition on the Great Southern line. Only wheat trains pass through here now. November 2011



Brunswick railway station as it is today. A few decades ago there was a very grand two-story railway station here that occupied the site between the tracks, off where those bushes are on the left. This is across the highway from Peters. February 2011



This is the "track" side of the original Bunbury station in town. Up this end is an Internet Cafe and a place where you can buy a cool drink after getting off the local bus from the new South Bunbury station. December 2009



Australind at the "new" Bunbury station near where the old South Bunbury "shed" used to be, a few kilometres out of town. 21 December, 2009



Busselton Train Station still exists now in a park across the river in the northern part of town. The track to Capel has been lifted but it's still easy to see the route. January 2013



Sitting beside the rail tracks is what you would guess to be the original Calingiri station. But it's not. In fact this building is part of the old Miling Station and this section was transported here sometime after Miling station was closed in 1985. This part housed the parcels/ticketing office and station master's office - see the other half under Miling locality. (Info from former Miling Station Master, Kevin Rosier). October 2011



The Capel railway station building was in situ in Capel until at least 1983. Sometime shortly after that it was picked up and taken to Forrest Park in Bunbury where it now sits besides this miniature railway. The little brick section to the right was not part of the original station building. Photo - April 2013



Collie station has recently undergone a huge facelift and is now looks great. This is "track-side" with early morning rays of sun lighting up the platform area. April 2012



A white park bench sits besides the railway line waiting for the Australind to pass through. Years ago the Bunbury Shopper stopped here as a matter of course. Photo - January 2012



The Corrigin railway station. The original 1914 station burnt down in 1966 and was replaced by this brick building the same year. The station building is now used by the Corrigin Agricultural Centre right now. Photo - June 2013



Cranbrook railway station is alive and well although I very much doubt this is the original building. It looks of around 1950's vintage. Photo - October 2014



This sign marks where the original rail facilities in Cunderdin used to be. June 2011



The railway station building would date back to 1914 when the rail first came through the town. This is looking track-side. Photo - November 2014



The old railway station has been preserved but all but a few token metres of track have been lifted. This station is almost a total replica of that at Bowelling (or vice versa). The station was erected in 1912. Photo - April 2012



The railway station viewed from where the former rail yard once existed. The rail line from Bunbury arrived here in 1893. The original station on this site gave way to the current structure in 1929. These station buildings were altered in 1938. Photo - July 2014



I don't know whether there ever was a passenger train service going through this way. Most likely yes I'd expect as passenger trains used to run where-ever there was a track in the old days. The train station and surrounding equipment are now here solely for the purpose of grain storage and shipment. April 2012



The preserved Dumbleyung railway station. Constructed very much in the mould of many a lesser station throughout the Great Southern and South West The small out-building to the right has been colourfully adorned. What looks like the good shed sits beyond. The station was built in 1913. February 2013



Dwellingup railway station looks quite resplendent in its federation colours. Steam excursion trains, run by the Hotham Valley Railways, leave from here on Sundays, most Saturdays and Wednesdays during school holidays. Steam Ranger trains do forest runs and also go down to Isandra Siding which is about half-way to Pinjarra. July 2013



Dwellingup railway station. Diesel-hauled HVR afternoon passenger forest excursion train awaits departure time. October 2011



The front section of the second Geraldton railway station facing Chapman Road. The station was opened in 1894 which coincided with the closure of the first railway station. The earlier station was located further west along Marine Terrace. 1894 was also the year the Midland railway was extended from Walkaway to Geraldton. Photo - September 2014



The railway station looking from track side. The area where the marshalling yards were (in the foreground) has never been re-developed thus far. Photo - September 2014



This is the first Geraldton railway station built in 1878 and very recently renovated. The second station is at the eastern end of the CBD. When the pictured station was operational, trains would travel through the centre of town, down Marine Terrace. After this station was closed the building was used as the Mechanics Institute. Since 1973 this has been used as a Maritime Museum. This is on Marine Terrace, opposite Gregory Street. Photo - December 2015



The Gingin railway station is being well preserved and maintained. The Midland Railway Company's line north reached Gingin in April 1891 then this station was built and opened the following year. August 2010



This image of the Gingin train station looks down the platform. Years ago, Geraldton-bound trains would have stopped here. These days just the occasional freight train trundles through. August 2010



The Goomalling railway station is being well preserved. Goomalling is on the narrow-gauge Perth-Mullewa line which is used almost exclusively these days for grain haulage. This station building was erected in 1905 with extensions and alterations being made in 1932 and 1960. Photo - July 2013



Thankfully the old Harvey Station has been preserved, unlike some which have disappeared altogether. The boarding/alighting point for the Australind train is the small green-fenced area to the right of picture. January 2013



Katanning railway station, once a major stopping point on the Perth (via York) to Albany railway line. This is the Great Southern Railway and the station was erected in 1889. Photo - April 2015



The Kellerberrin Prospector and Avon Link stop. You can see the main street over in the background. June 2011



This building in the Katanning Miniature Railway attraction is the old Kendenup station which was relocated to here. Photo - April 2015.



Kojonup Railway Station. The line from Boyup Brook via Dinninup used to pass through town. It extended east to Katanning and then all the way through to Pingrup. Photo - October 2014



The railway station complete with sign adjacent to the tracks. This would have been erected in about 1915. Photo - April 2015



The rail line runs parallel to Railway Street and here is the station, or at least administration centre, flanked by grain loading equipment and storage facilities. The rail track runs south to Wyalkatchem and on further east to Bencubbin. April 2012



Kulin railway station which is now used as a gallery and studio. This was built in 1946. Photo - April 2015


Lake Grace

Lake Grace railway station built in 1924. It is all still very functional, even the wash rooms still work. Photo - April 2015



Many people enjoyed the train trip from Perth on the very first day the Perth-Mandurah train line opened. This is 23 December 2007 at around 3.30pm on Mandurah Station Platform 1. 2007



Preserved but certainly not the original railway station. The original would have been made of timber, not brick. This building appears to be of 1950's or 1960's vintage. Like many former railway stations in the country, this one is now used as the Visitor Centre. Photo - October 2014


Margaret River

In Rotary Park just to the north of the Bussell Highway river road bridge is the Margaret River Railway, Rotary Park Station. Photo - December 2013


Margaret River

At Yoongarillup some 11 kms east of Busselton. This is where the former Margaret River railway station is now located. The buildings were moved here from their original site in in mid-1980's. This place at Yoongarillup used to be known as the Whistlestop Miniature Railway but it is all locked up today and there are no signs meaning that it might have closed down altogether. Photo - January 2015



Meckering is on the main Perth - Kalgoorlie line. Many long interstate freight trains roll through here, plus the Indian Pacific, the Avon Link, and the Prospector. The latter two probably stop here on demand. June 2011



Hotham Valley excursion trains used to run between Dwellingup and Pinjarra. A damaged track and some officialdom saw HVR trains ex Pinjarra ceasing and thence Dwellingup westbounds only came down as far as Isandra Siding which was and probably still is officially known as Meelon. And it seems HVH rail continue to come down here. Here is the Isandra platform. Photo March 2021



Down at in the rail area. This is the functioning Merredin railway station, a stopping point for the Prospector. Photo - March 2015



Here is a view of the former station buildings and signal box. These buildings are now part of a museum. They were built progressively between 1905 and 1923. Photo - March 2015



Down here near the rail tracks is this old building which is what is left of the Miling railway station. The station closed in 1985 and after that half of the original building was relocated to Calingiri, leaving only this behind. This part of the station housed the "Staff" room, the store and the toilet (Info from former Miling Station Master, Kevin Rosier). Photo July 2012



The Mingenew railway station has been retained and preserved. This dates back to 1894. A section was demolished in 1974. This is now used as an Arts and Crafts Centre. Photo - September 2014



The rear of the railway station. Photo - September 2014



The local railway station seems to be of a much more recent vintage than most old country stations we've seen. My correspondent advises me that this was built post 1959. Up until at least that year the station was on the other side of the tracks, alongside Gardiner Street. These days it is used as a home for the Moora Community Resource centre and Moora Visitors Centre. July 2012


Mount Barker

The railway station is a building of substance. It is extremely well maintained and is now the home of the local Visitor Centre. This was opened in 1923 and enjoyed a major restoration in 1997/1998. Photo - October 2014



Still here after all these years and pleasantly preserved. This is the Mukinbudin Railway Station building. The railway here was established in 1923. Photo - March 2015



The new Mundijong railway station building. The tiny platform aligns with just one door on the pausing Australind passenger train. Visible in the background is the old station building. Photo - January 2009



This is the old Mundijong station, a good solid-looking wooden building which was moved from its former position alongside the tracks. This station building was constructed circa 1893. Photo - January 2012



The Narembeen railway station. This would not be the original station building. Back in the early 1920's, when the railway line was constructed, there would have been a grander, wooden building. They didn't use bricks for stations in those days. The pictured building looks 1960's. Photo - April 2015



Once upon a time Narrogin was a large and important rail town and depot. Rail crews lived and worked here. The Albany Progress passenger train paused here. The rail yard was alive with rows and rows of freight vans. The loco shed was a place for housing and maintaining engines. These days its certainly quieter. This is a view from the overhead pedestrian bridge taking in the western aspect of the station. Photo - November 2011



This is the eastern aspect of the station. Over in the distance sit an old X-class diesel locomotive and a couple of old vans. This station dates back to 1906. The Great Southern Railway established a depot here in 1889 which was privately owned until the Government bought it in 1896. Photo - November 2011



Here is a look track-side of the "new" Northam railway station. In the foreground is part of a very small elevated area which serves as carriage-level platform for those boarding or alighting the Prospector or Avon Link. October 2012



In the south-west end of town where the old railyards were, here still exists the original Northam railway station, well preserved. You can go in most days and have a look around. Entry is a mere $2.00. The station is of 1900 vintage. The very last train to stop here was "The Mullewa" in the evening of 13th February 1966. Photo - October 2012. October 2012



There doesn't appear to be anything left of the Northcliffe Railway Station except for this wooden frame, perhaps. Photo - October 2014


North Dandalup

North Dandalup train station has been transformed (like Serpentine, Mundijong etc) into something functional but not very pretty - this one doesn't even have any sort of roof - too bad if it's raining. Between here and Pinjarra is a tiny locality called Venn at which station the Bunbury Shopper used to pause! March 2009


North Dandalup

What a transformation. Here is the brand new North Dandalup station complete with a roof and seats. It looks so much like the new Yarloop station. Photo - March 2021



The old Nungarin station was removed from site and relocated to Whiteman Park in Perth where it now resides rebadged as Mussel Pool Station. The old Nungarin station sign can be seen inside the window from the platform side. Photo - February 2013



Tucked away down towards Lefroy Creek is the well-preserved railway station. This is the home and headquarters of the Pemberton Tramway. The station was constructed in 1926 as the northern terminus of the Pemberton - Northcliffe railway. The line was eventually completed in 1933 and was something of an engineering feat. Photo - October 2014



The Pingelly Railway Station is in pretty good shape although in 2011 it is unoccupied. This building was opened on July 3rd, 1929 by Hon. J. Scaddan, MLC, Minister for Railways. Another smaller station occupied this site from circa 1900. The town very soon outgrew this necessitating the current structure being erected. November 2011



Pinjarra Railway Station in 2005. On this site was the original wooden structure which was burnt down some years ago. These days the Australind (Perth-Bunbury) stops here plus it's a base for Hotham Valley Railways who run historical train trips to Dwellingup amongst other places. 2005



Pinjarra train station has grown up a lot since the above was taken in 2005. It's now the Station Heritage Centre doing justice to rail history of the town. March 2009



Here is a view of the main platform from the small elevated section from which passengers board and alight the Australind passenger service. August 2011



This station was originally built in 1889 before the townsite even existed. The pictured station dates back to 1913. Passenger services continued to run through here until 1978. These days only grain trains pass though without a pause. The station has been restored and renovated but appears to be unoccupied. November 2011



Nice to see the local station so well preserved. That is often the case when someone is occupying it and looking after it, and in this case it is the Information Centre and Wood Sculpture Display. January 2012



The new Serpentine railway station. Once upon a time a rather more substantial station existed here when the line opened in 1893. The tracks now gleam as a result of a lot of freight traffic, mainly going up and down to and from the Alcoa alumina mines and works further south. The track in the picture wends off to the south. May 2012


Southern Cross

A little north of the town centre the east-west railway line passes through. This is Southern Cross station which is a Prospector stopping point. A long freight train sits in the loop alongside the station waiting for the single track ahead to become clear. That train is heading for Perth. Photo - March 2015



The old railway station has been retained. This was erected soon after the town was established in 1899 although trains used to pass through here (without stopping) from 10 years earlier than that. The station closed in 1979. Photo - December 2016



A look up and along the railway platform. It all looks to be in pretty good shape. Photo - December 2016



If you arrived in Tammin on the Avon Link or the Prospector then this is where you'd alight. June 2011


Three Springs

The Three Springs station is intact. This building is either not the original or it has been extensively re-modelled. Photo - September 2014



The railway station with two dual-gauge tracks gleaming in the winter sun. The Avon Link stops here - not sure about the Prospector. The Indian Pacific does not stop. Many freight trains pass through here from the East on their way to and from Kewdale. May 2009



Across the road from Moran's Hotel and the public buildings are the rail yards. Years ago this place would have been hustle and bustle with loads of steam locomotives billowing out smoke all over town. Today the station is still here and a single north-south track that is used for grain haulage. This building was erected in 1911. The earlier smaller wooden station was moved elsewhere in town and then used as a house. February 2013



The Walkaway railway station was constructed when the town was linked by rail to Geraldton in 1887. In 1894 the link between Midland and Walkaway was completed thus establishing a complete route from Perth through to Geraldton. Photo - September 2014



A view down the platform of the station. This is used as a railway museum now and houses much rail memorabilia. When the station was functioning, the station master lived on the premises. Photo - September 2014



The current railway station at Waroona. Years ago there would have been a wooden station structure of somewhat larger proportions. December 2010



This is the Watheroo railway station constructed circa 1894 when the Midland to Walkaway railway was built. There is only the odd grain train coming through now. In its heyday, the Geraldton passenger train would have paused here and many general goods trains would have stopped here. Photo - September 2014



The Wickepin station opened in 1909 for passengers, bringing in supplies and shipping out local produce. Passenger services ceased in 1960. The last station master left in 1981. June 2013


Wongan Hills

The railway line reached Wongan Hills in 1911. The original station was established in 1913 but this was located on the other side of the tracks and later proved to be inadequate. The pictured station building was opened on November 27, 1965 by Charles Court, Minister for Industrial Development. The station closed on September 30, 1985. There is a tourist centre inside now. October 2011



The railway station. Much larger buildings preceded this one and once upon a time there was a goods shed. This is on the Great Southern Railway, Wagin to Katanning section. Quite a few grain trains use this line as evidenced by the gleaming rails. Photo - April 2015



A railway station of wood most likely existed here when the line came through. The Mullewa passenger station stopped here until its operation ceased. This is a far more recent structure probably of 1950's or 1960's vintage. The Wubin Information Centre now operates out of the premises. Photo - November 2014



The train station shines in the autumn early-morning sunlight. At the near end of the station are the signal levers. The track looks shiny therefore well-used. The line continues north to Koorda. It still runs out to Yelbeni and beyond but those sections are now disused. The station was built in 1911. April 2012



Yarloop station looks like an old bus shelter. The Australind passenger train only stops here on demand. Looks good, even though it doesn't have "old" character it still has a bit of "modern" character. If you know what I mean? Photo - December 2010


Yarloop - Railway Station

Yarloop now has this smart new railway station which has an elevated platform to make boarding the train easier. Photo - December 2018



The now unused Yelbeni rail shed remains next to the tracks. April 2012



This sign proclaims the location of the station although apart from that little shed, there is nothing here except of course the gain handling complex. Was there ever a passenger service going through here? October 2011



Looking a little sad, this train station has seen better days. The platform is now fenced off and the buildings are a private residence. Hotham Valley used to run excursion trains up here but these have ceased. The tracks running past the platform gleam suggesting freight trains still pass through here. This was an operational station from 1885 through to 1988. January 2013



This old country station now lives comfortably in the city. It was relocated from out east of Kalgoorlie on the "Trans" line to the Bassendean Train Museum. Zanthus used to be an important watering and coaling point for east-west steam locomotives. 21 December, 2009

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