Photographs of Perth, Western Australia |
Railways Miscellany in Western Australia
The first rail line to operate in Western Australia was in 1871 which was a
private line constructed for carting timber between Lockville to Yoganup. Yoganup is about 20 kms
due south of Capel. The first government line to open was between Geraldton and Northampton in 1879.
It wasn't until 1881 that the line between Fremantle and Guildford came into being. By the 1950's
the rail network had peaked. In recent decades many country lines have been closed
Box B controlled the section of
line between Cannington and Gosnells. In the foreground is the West
Guildford station sign, the former name of Bassendean. Off to the left
is an Australind carriage and to the right old passenger carriages and a
guards van. This is at the Bassendean Train Museum. Photo - September 2012 |
A diesel metropolitan railcar
used pre-electrification sits at Bassendean awaiting renovation. Photo - September 2011 |
These old carriages could no doubt tell a
tale or two. You can go through most of them. They are stored under cover at the Bassendean Train Museum. Photo 2008 |
Bassendean - Old Carriage
Inside one of the old carriages, a nice shiny photo. I wonder
where this one used to go to? Photo - 2008 |
Bassendean - Dining Car
A detailed view of the inside of an old dining car at
the Bassendean Rail Museum. Photo - 2008 |
Bassendean - Metro Rail Map
If you're old enough to remember the old
metropolitan diesel passenger cars then you might remember this rail map
that used to hang on the wall in each carriage. It's interesting to
compare changes with the current network map. Photo - 2008 |
Bassendean - Australind Car
This Australind carriage
used to run up and down between Perth and Bunbury in the 1960's. Often
when the Museum is open this car has been booked for a child's birthday
party so access is not always available. Photo - 2011 |
Bassendean - Australind Buffet
The Australind buffet section in
one of the cars. Anyone who caught this train would remember this.
Photo - September 2012 |
Bassendean - Australind Seats
In the other half of the Australind carriage
containing the buffet are typical Australind seats. I travelled on this
many times myself. It was quite comfortable although if the weather was hot the vinyl seats
got a bit sticky. The cars were not air conditioned but they did have small fans though they didn't help much.
Photo - September 2012 |
Bassendean - Signal Box
Inside the signal box used to
control the section of lines between Cannington and Gosnells. And
interesting array of equipment. Manual signals have been replaced by
lights and manual points have been automated. Photo - 2011 |
Beacon - Railway Barracks
Adjacent to the rail yard is the former railways barracks building.
This is where rail crews stayed overnight after completing a trip to Beacon.
The barracks were built in 1930. Photo - March 2015 |
Beacon - Rail Yard
The rail yard complete with the station sign. This is looking west.
From here the line runs over to Mollerin and then on to Burakin.
To the east it extends to and terminates at Bonnie Rock. Photo - March 2015 |
Bencubbin - Rail Yard
The rail line passes through town. The line runs eastwards from Koorda,
through Bencubbin and then continues on to Mukinbudin.
This is a view down the rail yard. The line is still used to haul grain. Photo - March 2015 |
Bencubbin - Rail Area
A former loading ramp or building foundation next to the railway line.
Behind is the Sandalwood Dray shelter and beyond that the hotel.
Photo - March 2015 |
Benger - Railway Line
Quite a lot of rail freight traffic
passes through Benger and a rail loop exists alongside the highway. This
is looking north where the loop line re-joins the main line and then
disappears over the horizon on its way to Brunswick. Photo - April 2013 |
Beverley - Rail Van
This old rail van sits at the rear of the Beverley railway station.
Photo - April 2015. |
Beverley - Railway Building
Behind the Beverley railway station is this old railways building.
Photo - April 2015 |
Boddington - Rail Wagon
Adjacent to the Boddington caravan park is this
memorial to rail days gone by. The train line from Dwellingup reached
here in 1913 and was mainly used for carting timber. The line
section closed in 1968. Much of the track has not been uplifted but
bridges are unserviceable. Photo - October 2011 |
Boddington - Railway Line
The railway from Pinjarra was closed decades ago but some track still exists
almost right into town. This section of disused track is over in the north west part of Boddington.
Photo - April 2019 |
Boyanup - Railway Bogie
Just what is this railway bogie doing here
at the north end of town? Perhaps it is part of commemorating the times
when Boyanup was a really important rail town on the Bunbury-Bridgetown
and Bunbury-Boyup Brook lines? Photo - February 2011 |
Boyup Brook - Railway Station Goods Shed
Adjacent to the Boyup Brook railway
station is the old goods shed, still brightly painted and kept in good
condition. Photo - April 2012 |
Boyup Brook - Railway Barracks
A little south of the
Boyup Brook station is the old railway barracks where drivers, firemen and guards
would overnight awaiting their return journeys from whence they came.
It is looking in excellent condition. There seems to be
a cafe of sorts in there. The rooms are let to backpackers and the
like. Good to see it is preserved and in-use. Photo - April 2012 |
Boyup Brook- Vans
Next to the Boyup Brook railway
station is this row of vans. The station itself is
now used as Blackwood Community Agriculture Centre and I think these
vans are annexed as part of that concern. Photo April 2012 |
Brigadoon - View To Rapids
From high up on top of a hill on Campersic Road looking down you can see a
bit on the Avon River near the Brigadoon rapids. The interstate rail
lines snake their way through the hills. Photo - July 2011 |
Bridgetown - Rail Yard
Looking back up the track
towards the Bridgetown train station. You can glimpse the station up there on the
loop line. Behind, the line continues on south to Manjimup - ahead to
Donnybrook and beyond. Photo - April 2012 |
Brookton - Railways Goods Shed
Across the tracks from the railway station is the old goods shed. Photo - June 2016 |
Brookton - Railway Junction
Here the railway runs out of town to the south. The track ahead leads to Pingelly
and eventually on to Albany. The junction going off to the left used to run to Corrigin but the
track (apart from this bit) has been lifted. Photo - June 2016 |
Broomehill - Railway Platform
The foundation to the station building remains but all the buildings themselves have gone.
Over the other side of the track you can the the hotel and further down, Jones Winery & Cafe.
Photo - December 2016 |
Bruce Rock - Rail Yard
Here are the Bruce Rock rail yards such as
they are today. Not much left of substance anymore. The station has been removed. The
track in the distance runs off to Merredin. Photo - June 2013 |
Bruce Rock - Rail Building
This building is one of the few
remaining in the Bruce Rock rail yard. It's flanked (from this angle) by a flag
pole and a fine tree. Photo - June 2013 |
Bruce Rock - Rail Sign
All that remains of the Bruce Rock
railway station is this sign, looking rather forlorn. Though at least it's
still here. Photo - June 2013 |
Bunbury - Railway Institute
The Railway Institute building on Wittenoom
Street in Bunbury. Not so many rail workers in town now, I guess. No more Bunbury
loco and a Bunbury winter morning with the whole town centre shrouded in stream train coal smoke mixed with fog.
Photo - December 2009 |
Bunbury - Power House Railway Lines
The Bunbury Power House stood on Koombana Bay around where the new port is now.
When operational coal was railed up to the power station via the land bridge, where The Cut is now.
Much of the old rail has gone but this last stretch still remains. This would just just slightly
south of where the power station was. Photo - December 2018 |
Busselton - Jetty Town End
At the town end of the Busselton jetty looking
back past the Interpretive Centre, over the train terminus and to the
Visitor Centre beyond. You can glimpse a section of The Goose Cafe roof there
too. Just for a bit of a perspective. Photo - January 2013 |
Capel - Railway Area
Here is what is left of either the railway
station or simply a rail loading ramp. The railway line used to run through here from
Boyanup to Busselton. The old Capel railway station building is now in Forrest Park in Bunbury.
The line looks pretty intact though unused. The
line from just beyond here through to Busselton has been lifted. Photo - February 2011 |
Clackline - Kalgoorlie Express Train Carriage
In the old days the train line ran through
Clackline. These days it runs through Toodyay to the north. The local
visitor map listed this place as a train museum. On the side of the
carriage there is "The Kalgoorlie" indicating that this was an early
Kalgoorlie Express passenger carriage. Photo - May 2009 |
Clackline - Kalgoorlie Express Train Carriage
Here is a
closer look down the old Kalgoorlie carriage at Clackline. Photo - January 2012 |
Claremont - Railway Station
Looking up from the platform at the Claremont train
station, here is the old original wooden passenger bridge and the signal
tower is still pretty well intact up the top. Photo - February 2008 |
Collie - Railway Institute
Collie used to be a huge rail head and had
many crews stationed here, running trains down to Bunbury and off into
the eastern country. Railway Institutes were big time - there is a substantial
building in Bunbury as well. Well, it's still here and functioning - the
trains now mostly carry bulk freight. Photo - February 2011 |
Collie - Railways Goods Shed
On the north side of the Collie train tracks are
the old Good Sheds. They are put in really good use these days. This
Sunday is market day. Inside .. well, look at the photo below. Photo - February 2011 |
Collie - Railways Goods Shed
Inside the Goods Sheds, and what a credit
to whoever looks after them. Just look at this fine old passenger
carriage and props. To the left of this (out of picture) is a goods van. Both are accessible so
you can go inside and look around. Photo - February 2011 |
Collie - Locomotive Roundhouse
Collie West station these days is a marshalling yard for freight trains mostly
servicing Worsley Alumina. In the old days this was a W.A.G.R railyard. Locomotives were housed
and repaired in this roundhouse. Built around 100 years ago, it is gradually falling to pieces.
Photo - March 2014 |
Collie - Locomotive Roundhouse
Another view of the old Collie roundhouse, this time viewed from the eastern
(town) side. Photo - March 2014 |
Collie - Station Shed
Inside the Collie West rail complex is this old shed which is in a state
of advanced demolition or overhaul. Photo - March 2014 |
Coolup - Railway Station Sign
The Coolup railway station was demolished over twenty years ago. Fortunately the
station sign was rescued and it now adorns the wall above the counter in the Coolup General Store. Photo - January 2014 |
Corrigin - Railway Station Old Platform
Looking down what would be the
original Corrigin railway station platform. The surface is still mostly sealed and it is raised
up against where a track would have existed. Photo - June 2013 |
Dardanup - Railway Area
The railway line, now disused, looking south. Down the track the next stop is Boyanup. Visible here is the post office,
store, tavern and garage (left to right). There used to be two loops in that area on the left. Beyond the railway crossing there was
a goods shed on the left. The small station building was down there on the right, next to what used to be the South Western Highway.
There used to be a watering tower here for steam locos but that's gone now.
Photo - December 2016 |
Donnybrook - Railway Good Shed
On this site at Donnybrook was a large
freight shed, the loading platform was laden with hessian bags full of Granny Smith apples
awaiting transport to market. The odd bag, now and again, were misappropriated by the rail crews.
Photo - February 2011 |
Dumbleyung - Rail Yard
A single rail track runs through
town. This is a look west back down towards the station and eventually to
Wagin. In the old days there would have been at least one loop line here
and probably another running through the goods shed. The line continues
eastwards to Kukerin and Lake Grace. Photo - February 2013 |
Dwellingup - Bulk Van
Bulk liquid car JM33S on a Dwellingup branch
line next to the football oval. Photo September 2012 |
East Perth - Claisebrook Railway Depot
The entrance to the Claisebrook railway depot.
I'll bet they will move this place before too long. What an expensive
bit of real-estate when they could house these trains at Byford. Photo - 2008 |
Elgin - Railway Line
Looking along the track west towards Capel. This line came through in the early 1890's and a siding
was established here around 1895. The siding buildings and facilities were probably on that land left of the track.
This line (Boyanup to Capel and beyond) has been closed for over 30 years now. Photo - December 2016 |
Fremantle - Carriage Cafe
In the park between the Esplanade Hotel and
the boat harbour is this 'Carriage Cafe' made out of a railway carriage.
The park is called The Esplanade Reserve. Good place for lunch and a
great place for kids. Photo - November 2008 |
Fremantle - Roundhouse and Railway
Although passenger trains terminate at
Fremantle, the railway line continues on here past the Round House etc
on its way to the industrial south. Occasional freight trains pass along
here servicing the port. The Fremantle sandstone comes out quite well
in this picture. Photo - 2007 |
Gillingarra - Railway
At Gillingarra the rail line runs past town but there is no stopping
point. Photo - July 2012 |
Glen Forrest - Old Railway Truck
Adjacent to the old railway line in Glen Forrest, is this small truck in the park,
which was probably placed as a memorial to rail days gone by. Photo - April 2012 |
Gnowangerup - Rail Yard
The once proud railway literally comes to a dead end. Apart from what you see, there is nothing
left here now. Photo - December 2016 |
Goomalling - Railway Signal Levers
On the north side of
Railway Terrace in Goomalling is this set of railway signal levers. Up above are a couple of manual
railway signals atop their wooden poles. Photo - July 2013 |
Grass Valley - Railway Cutting
The east-west standard gauge railway line
runs past Grass Valley, indeed close to here is a complex of silos for
storage and transportation of grain. This very steep cutting is close to
the townsite. The bridge also carries a water pipeline over on the other side.
Photo - June 2011 |
Greenhills - Railway Line East
The rusty railway line leaves town heading north, then crosses this cattle grid
before curving off through a wheat field and heading east to Quairading. Every fourth or fifth
railway sleeper is made of metal. This is classified by Government as a tier-3 line, unimportant,
not worth maintaining, and so it was closed.
The wheat harvest is now hauled by road. Photo - February 2015.
October 2020: A newspaper report suggests the W.A. Government will fund the upgrade and re-opening of this line. Let's see what eventuates. March 2025: Nothing yet. |
Greenhills - Railway Line West
At the south end of town and looking south, the railway line crosses the Bally Bally Brook bridge. The track soon turns west and then on to York.
The brook is a tributary to the nearby Mackie River. To the right of the bridge are foundations of an older bridge.
Photo: February 2015. |
Highbury - Railway
The railway which passes through town forms a part of the Great Southern line which runs from
Perth to Albany via York. A rail mishap occurred here in 1992 causing
enough damage for Cooperative Bulk Handling to close their Highbury depot. Photo - February 2013 |
Hovea - National Park Rail Bridge
In the John Forrest National Park in the old
days a railway line ran through here. It was an extension of the
line from Midland which ran through Swan View, then here, and then through to Mt Helena,
Chidlow etc. The railway reserve is still here and provides a good
walking trail. This bridge crosses the very
upper reaches of Jane Brook. Photo - October 2010 |
Hyden - Railway Barracks
Constructed in 1932 is the Railway Barracks which served as an overnight stopping
facility for rail crews - drivers, firemen and guards. This is the oldest surviving building in Hyden. Photo - April 2015 |
Hyden - Railway Barracks
On a wall on the Barracks is this illustration depicting the importance of the railway
in the towns years ago. Photo - April 2015 |
Hyden - Railway
Down at the railway, here is a shed and crane. The railway opened in Hyden on July 28th, 1933.
The line runs up from Lake Grace and terminates here. Photo - April 2015 |
Jarrahdale - Disused Railway
A disused railway line crosses Nettleton Road north of Jarrahdale.
This was used for hauling bauxite from Alcoa's nearby minesite. The mine operated from 1963 to 1998.
The track joins the Perth - Bunbury line just south of Mundijong. Photo - January 2014 |
Jitarning - Rail Yard
The Narrogin to Kulin rail passes through Jitarning. The line is well maintained.
Here you can see the mainline, the loop, and an old loading platform.
Those trees look like salmon gums. Photo - April 2015 |
Kalamunda - Arts and Crafts Train Carriage
Adjacent to the new Zig Zag
Cultural Centre in Kalamunda is this arts and crafts shop domiciled in an old
railways guard's van in which you can go and sit in the 'monkey
box' if you wish. Photo - July 2008 |
Kalamunda - Historic Village Zig-Zag Sign
In the old days
trains ran up to Kalamunda from Midland. They got up the hills via the Zig-Zag, a series of switch-backs. This sign
affixed to the railway station wall explains it all. Photo - July 2008 |
Katanning - Rail Yard
Looking south-east down the railway lines across the yard. The station is that building
you can see over yonder. Photo - April 2015 |
Katanning - Rail Yard
Another look south-east down the track across the Clive Street level crossing.
This line leads to Albany. The tracks gleam with continual use. Photo - April 2015 |
Kewdale - Freight Depot
Into the Kewdale freight yard behind the hotel.
This view is looking towards the rain-swept hills from right up the
western end of the rail lines. Photo - July 2011 |
Kewdale - Railway Equipment
On the northern side of the Kewdale freight yard
is John Holland's yard and inside is this rail construction/maintenance
unit. Photo - July 2011 |
Kewdale - The Rail Main Line
The main line between Kwinana and Midland
passes by the Kewdale yards with spur lines going right into the yard. This track
section runs under the Roe Highway bridges. Photo - July 2011 |
Kirup - Railway
The Bunbury - Donnybrook
rail passes through Kirup. The rails are pretty rusty indicating no traffic. All
that is left of Kirup station is a little mound up away in the distance.
Photo - April 2012 |
Kondinin - Railway Goods Shed
A former goods shed sits in the railway yard. It dates back to 1921. Photo - April 2015 |
Kondinin - Railway Yard
The Kondinin rail yard. The line runs down here from Narembeen. The track south to Kulin
seems intact but the line is closed. Photo - April 2015
Kulin - Line to Kondinin
The line north of here to Kondinin obviously has not been used in quite some time judging
by the size of that tree in the middle of the track. The line to the south veers west over to Harrismith
and then Wickepin. Photo - April 2015 |
Lake Grace - Railway Goods Shed
A former railways good shed alongside the Lake Grace yard.
This dates back to 1924. Photo - April 2015 |
Lake Grace - Rail Yard
At sunset, the railway line disappears off on its journey to Dumbleyung.
Photo - April 2015 |
Merredin - Signal Box
The impressive old signal box elevated to give a good view of the rail yards for those controllers who worked in here.
Photo - March 2015 |
Merredin - Water Tower
Atop the water tower the water tank is still here advertising Kalgoorlie Bitter.
Water in the tank was used for replenishing steam locomotives.
It has stood here since 1893. Photo - March 2015 |
Merredin - Rail Yard
Looking west down the rail yard. To the right is alighting/boarding area. Technically a platform but it is not raised.
Photo - March 2015 |
Midland - Railway Institute
Here is a rather grand looking Railways
Institute building. This was build in 1914 and is adjacent to the
Midland Railway Workshops. Up until 1958 the building included a
Technical School, its primarily purpose was in training those who would
be engaged in engineering and other activities in the Railways Workshops
next door. Photo - April 2013 |
Midland - Railway Workshops
Looking inside the old railway workshops on
the south side of Midland station. These workshops were established in
1894 and opened in 1904. Years ago they build steam locomotives here and
later diesels. These workshops were finally closed in 1994 and around
that time were listed on W.A.'s list of Heritage Places. Photo - February 2008 |
Midland - Railway Workshops
Another look at the old workshops
and they really look grand. So much work has been put it to renovate
them. I wonder what use they will be put to? Photo - October 2010 |
Midland - Railway Workshops
Part of the Midland workshops, this is an old Time
Office where presumably workers would clock in and out. In the windows
very cleverly, they are made to look like reflections of workers coming
and going. Photo - October 2010 |
Midland - Railway Workshops
Another look inside the workshops. This
view really brings out the fine brickwork of the complex. This is just
next to the security gate. Photo - October 2010 |
Midland - Railway Workshops
This Workshops photo
features the statue on the left which forms a part of the Peace Memorial
which commemorates railway workshop workers who were killed in the First
World War (70) and the Second War (26). A memorial in the form of a
Flagpole was originally constructed in 1916. The Peace Memorial was
built in 1925. Photo - April 2013 |
Midland - Railway Workshops
A face of the southern part of the
railway workshops including the chimney stack. Photo - April 2013 |
Midland - Old Rail Platform
Here is an old, disused railway platform at Midland. The track alongside has
been lifted. Up until approximately 1970, this was the main platform
of the former Midland Junction Railway Station. Just beyond this view of the platform used to
be a footbridge linking this to the Railways Workshop across the lines. Photo - October 2012 |
Midland - Coal Park Dam
Just west of the Midland Railway Institute
and workshops is Coal Dam Park. In the days of steam, they used to haul
coal up from Collie and stored it underwater as a preservation measure.
The bit of track you can see is where the coal was unloaded into the water and later extracted for use. Photo - October 2012 |
Midland - Coal Park Dam
On the other side of the Midland coal dam
is this "arm" which apparently assisted in the unloading and later
loading of the coal. The dam was constructed around 1915. Photo - October 2012 |
Miling - Railway and Wheat Bins
Looking south down the
rail tracks which run between the Miling wheat bins. Photo - July 2012 |
Mogumber - Rail Ballast
Down in the Mogumber rail precinct,
great piles of rail ballast partially eclipse the wheat handling
facilities. Photo - July 2012 |
Muchea - Railway Lines
This is part of the Perth - Geraldton
narrow-gauge line. There was once a railway station building but this has been removed.
Now just this crossing maze and a rusty loop-line remain.
The main line doesn't look as if it is much used either. Photo - July 2011 |
Mukinbudin - Railway Yard
The rail yard looking east towards the wheat bins. This is where the rail line ex-Wyalkatchem
terminates. Prior to 1957, the line went further east to Bullfinch. The line is now classified as tier 2 and
therefore is still very much maintained and in use during the grain harvest season.
Photo - March 2015 |
Mumballup - Railway
Look closely through the greenery here and you'll see a glimpse of what was
once the thriving Bunbury to Boyup Brook railway line. In many places now,
healthy trees have sprung up between the tracks. I believe the line was
closed in about 1980. Photo - February 2011 |
Mundaring - Old Railway Area Signals
Just down from the old Mundaring Station Master's
House is the railway easement and in this picture is a replica signal
box in which the kids can play, plus a few well-kept railway signals.
Construction of the railway area commenced in 1898 and this pre-dated construction of nearly
all the rest of the locality. Photo - May 2011 |
Mundijong - Former Rail Bridge
Talk about bad timing. I have been meaning to take a photo of the old Aloca
rail bridge which spans the South Western Highway for ages. I'm sure the bridge was here as
late as just last week but now it's gone. The bridge and line were constructed in the early 1960's.
The span is actually sitting next to the rail line in the townsite opposite the Shire offices.
Photo - January 2014 |
Mundijong - Wright Road Rail Crossing
Wright Road runs south from Mundijong through Mardella to Serpentine.
Just south of Mundijong this rail spur line branches off from the Perth - Bunbury mainline,
crossing Wright Road. It used to lead to an Alcoa bauxite mine in the hills, and probably still
does although it has been disused for decades. It once crossed the South Western Highway via
the bridge in the above picture. Photo - March 2017 |
Nanson - Museum Rail Wagons
In the Historical Society's museum are these rail wagons.
Photo - December 2015 |
Narembeen - Goods Shed
A brightly-painted former goods shed in the railway area.
This is now a re-cycling centre. Photo - April 2015 |
Narrogin - Old Cars
A couple of forlorn looking railway guards vans sit in the Narrogin
yard just beyond the railway station. Photo - November 2011 |
Naval Base - Rail Yards
The rail marshalling yard just south of Naval Base controls Alcoa and other rail
traffic in and out of the industrial area. Photo - October 2013 |
North Fremantle - Leighton Rail Yards
This building was the control centre for the Leighton railway marshalling yards.
Up until at least the 1970's this was an important rail facility.
The old building has been retained at least for the time being. Photo - September 2010 |
Northam - Old Train Station Sign
Just east of the old Northam railway station is
this tumble-down platform and Northam station sign. To the rear a few
old rail vans can be glimpsed through the trees. Photo - October 2012 |
Northam - Narrow Gauge Rail Bridge
At the west end of Northam this rail overpass crosses Mitchell Avenue.
This is a view of the narrow gauge track as it passes onwards to the south and into Northam
from York. Underneath the bridge and alongside the road is the Kep Track which
is an old railway or pipeline easement and is navigable (no motor bikes or cars though)
all 71 kms to Mundaring Weir. October 2012. Photos Ref: NRTM055 |
Northam - Old Passenger Car
This old passenger car plus a few
freight vans in advanced state of disrepair in the yard next to the old
Northam station. Photo - October 2012 |
Northampton - Rail Car
This small park serves as a memory to the days when Northampton was an important rail head.
This is rail carriage numbered AL3, the first built in Western Australia by Westralia Ironworks of North Fremantle in 1905. The Shire acquired it in 1981.
Photo - December 2015 |
Ongerup - Goods Shed
The railway goods shed was an integral part of rail operations. Simply storage of inwards
and outbound goods. It was built in 1918 and now forms part of the Museum. The railway station building
itself has gone. Photo - December 2016 |
Ongerup - Railway Barracks
Once upon a time the railway was in town and their crews needed overnight accommodation.
This building is the former Railway Barracks. It was constructed in 1918. The barracks ceased being barracks
when the Gnowangerup to Ongerup line closed in 1957. These days it serves as part of the Ongerup - Needilup
Museum. Photo - December 2016 |
Pemberton - Car and Vans
Passenger car coupled to vans in the railyard at Pemberton. Photo - October 2014 |
Pemberton - Turntable
Vans parked on the turntable in the Pemberton rail yard. Photo - October 2014 |
Pickering Brook - Railway Vans
Old railway vans front what appears to
be fruit storage sheds in Pickering Brook. Photo - July 2012 |
Pingelly - Railway Station
Some locals have produced
their own station signage. You're going to be waiting here quite a while
for a passenger train to any of those places! Photo - November 2011 |
Pingrup - Platform and Shed
In 1923 the railway arrived with huff and puff and fanfare and thus giving rise
to Pingrup's existence. Now the railway has gone. Not even the tracks exist anymore. The service
was suspended by the government in 1951 and then officially closed in 1960. All that is left is this raised platform
and shed. Photo - December 2016. |
Pingrup - Old Rail Shed
This old shed alongside the former railway precinct looks like a former grain storage
facility erected in 1938. Photo - December 2016 |
Pinjarra - Railway Barracks
A little to the east of the Pinjarra are
these the old Railway Barracks where train crews, drivers,
firemen and guards would overnight. These crews would have mostly come
from Perth or Bunbury, work a train to Pinjarra and then work another
one back the next day. Photo - August 2011 |
Pinjarra - Railway Barracks
A closer view of a section of the
Pinjarra Barracks. These days I think the diligent Hotham Valley volunteers
occupy these premises. Photo - August 2011 |
Pinjarra - Hotham Valley Station
This is a view from Pinjarra Station
across the tracks to the Hotham Valley Railway Pinjarra platform and
depot. Right now Hotham Valley trains don't run all the way into
Pinjarra because of exorbitant insurance fees imposed by the state government to use a few kilometres of
their track. A real tragedy. Photo - August 2011 |
Pinjarra - Hotham Valley Platform
Standing on the Hotham Valley Railway
platform at Pinjarra. That little goods van off to the left is the station toilet
facility. Photo - August 2011 |
Pinjarra - Valley Rail Shed
A rear (eastern) view of the Hotham Valley
Railway platform and shed at Pinjarra. Photo - August 2011 |
Pinjarra - Hotham Valley Signal Box
Set just a little south of the Hotham
Valley platform is this signal tower. Upstairs all the levers are
neatly in place but the pulleys and wires out to the points no longer
exist. The points around here (except on the main line) are all manual.
This cabin was originally located at Narrogin. Photo - August 2011 |
Pinjarra - Hotham Valley Workshops
Over the other side of the track near the
Barracks is this shed. It may not look much but inside is where the HVR
volunteers turn run-down locomotives and passenger cars into ones that
are sparklingly serviceable. Photo - August 2011 |
Pinjarra - Hotham Valley Workshops
A look into the HVR engineering
compound. This is taken from just near the main Perth - Bunbury line.
Photo - August 2011 |
Pinjarra - Alumina Junction
A row of bulk vans plus at this end a steam locomotive tender sit disused on a track at Alumini Junction. Photo April 2019 |
Pinjarra - Alumina Junction
A close-up of the steam tender. It is not marked (at least in railways signage).
Photo - April 2019 |
Pinjarra - Alumina Junction
A flat top with another loaded on board are rusting away. Photo - April 2019 |
Pinjarra - Alumina Junction
Another flat top suffers the effects of entropy. Photo - April 2019 |
Popanyinning - Railway Station Sign
This certainly looks like
the original Popanyinning station sign. It's not located right on the station, rather
a few dozen metres to the south, standing on its own. This may have been moved while
the station was being renovated and then later moved back. Photo - November 2011 |
Roelands - Rail Traffic
Rail traffic trundles past
Roelands. This one is on its way to the Picton yards to the south. Over to the left
is the highway. Photo - April 2013 |
Serpentine - Railway Crossing
A railways 'road-car' carefully sneaks across
the railway crossing without activating the lights. These adapted vehicles
are used by engineers to inspect the track. Photo - January 2009 |
Shackleton - Railway
At Shackleton, which is between Quairading and Bruce Rock, here is
what remains of the rail siding. Just a sign and an old crane now.
Along the track further east is the CBH grain depot and bulk grain handling equipment
which dominate the landscape somewhat. This line is in danger of being closed due
to lack of government funding. Photo - June 2013 |
Shenton Park - Wood Yard
This strip of land that is situated between
the railway line and Stubbs Terrace has housed these light industrial
businesses for years. They seem a little at odds with the way Shenton
Park has modernised but then what else to do with the land? Photo - September 2009 |
Swan View - Rail Tunnel Western Portal
This is the western
portal of the Swan View railway tunnel. Etched in the rock up above the portal is
the year 1895. The tunnel opened one year later. Men camped in tents
west of here, away from their families, and carved out the cutting and
the tunnel using pick-axes and dynamite - very hard work. Photo - May 2011 |
Swan View - Rail Tunnel Interior
Inside the Swan View tunnel. You can see the
light at the eastern end some 340 metres away. The tunnel was lined with
around 330,000 bricks to shore up the loose rocks up above and to
prevent cave-ins. You can walk through here anytime. It's a good idea to take a torch though. Photo - May 2011 |
Tambellup - Water Tower
The Tambellup water tower sits between Norrish Street and the railway precinct.
One time water tanks would have been atop the tower and used for replenishing steam locomotives.
Photo - December 2016 |
Toodyay - Rail Lines
The railway lines wend their way through Toodyay and then off towards the east heading to Northam
and beyond. You can see the railway station in the centre of the picture. Photo - October 2013 |
Wagin Platform
A look north along the Wagin railway station platform.
The gravel bit used to be platform too. The main line and three loop lines still
exist. Red lights up ahead so don't proceed across the Tudhoe Street
crossing just yet. Photo - February 2013 |
Watheroo - Shed and Depot
Behind the railway station and beyond where the old rail yards once were is the
former station goods shed and locomotive depot. This building was constructed in 1944. September 2014. Photos Ref: WATH013 |
Welshpool - Tracks and Train
A view from Welshpool station looking
across the tracks and over towards Wesfeeds as a Thornlie 'T' pattern
train recedes on its way to next stop which is Queens Park. Photo - October 2012 |
West Leederville - Tracks
Looking west down the railway line from the little
road bridge that crosses the tracks - I think it's Hamilton Street.
You can see West Leederville station. Off to the left is a light tower at Subiaco Oval. Photo - January 2011 |
Whiteman Park - Signal Box
This signal box was originally at East
Perth and was moved to Whiteman Park. The Whiteman light railway
commenced construction in the early 1980's. The railway is known as the
Bennett Brook Railway as that is the name of the creek that feeds Mussel
Brook and what remains of the old wetlands here. December 2010 |
Whiteman Park - Old Cottesloe Box
Across the line from Mussel Pool station is
this fine looking old signal box. This was originally (here) used as a
ticket office. In its previous life is was a signal box and staff cabin
at Cottesloe. It's been in this location since 1988. Photo - December 2010 |
Whiteman Park - Old Signal Box
Around about where the old
Cottesloe box stood is now occupied but another albeit fine looking
piece of rail memorabilia. I do not know where this originated. Photo - February 2013 |
Whiteman Park - Old Rail Van
Some rail trucks parked at Mussel Pool in Whiteman park.
This van looks rather colourful. Photo - February 2013 |
Wickepin - Rail Yard
Looking along the rail tracks
through the Wagin rail yard. The station building is visible up in the
distance. The lines are still used seasonally for grain haulage. Photo - June 2013 |
Wokalup - Hills
A sliver of the South Western Highway and the Pinjarra - Bunbury railway
line are visible below the hills at Wokalup near Harvey. Photo - December 2010 |
Wongan Hills - Railways Good Shed
Across the railway tracks from the station
is this old goods shed which has been decorated with a mural depicting
freight and a locomotive of yesteryear. This was built in 1914. Photo - October 2011 |
Wongan Hills - Railways Water Tower
Part of the railyards. Steam locomotives
took on water and coal here. The 1914 water tower looks dark and forbidding,
contrasting with the white of the sign and blue of the sky. Photo - October 2011 |
Wongan Hills - Railways Barracks
The railway barracks have been preserved. Wongan Hills was a major
train crew swapping point and drivers, firemen and guards who would
overnight here and work a train back to their originating depot the next
day. Construction of the barracks commenced in 1914. They have also been known as The Trainmen's
Barracks and also The Enginemen's Barracks. Photo - October 2011 |
Wooroloo - Old Carriage
A little look into someone's garden.
This is an old railway guards van sitting in their front yard. I'd
love to get one of those. Photo - February 2011 |
Wubin - Railway Yard
Heading into the Wubin rail yard from the north. The station is
visible up the track. Photo - November 2014 |
Wubin - Railway Line
Heading north out of town, the railway line pushes on to Perenjori,
Morawa and Mullewa (and intermediate sidings). Photo - November 2014
Wyalkatchem - Railway Station Sign
An original Wyalkatchem
station sign. Set at the west end and slightly beyond the platform.
Photo - April 2012 |
Wyalkatchem - Railway Barracks
Years ago,
this place was a fairly major rail centre and as such, rail crews used
to swap over trains here and many would spend the night in town. These are part of
the old railway barracks just south of the station. The barracks were built in 1910 and later extended in 1921 and 1956. Photo - April 2012 |
Yelbeni - Railway Tracks
No trains in Yelbeni anymore. The line from Wyalkatchem which came through here and then extended further east
to Trayning and Nungarin is closed but the tracks have not been
lifted, at least in Yelbini as you can see. In picture are a ground-level signal, points changing mechanism,
and the loop line branching off the mainline to the right. Photo - April 2012 |
Yerecoin - Grain Storage
Here is the railway line and grain storage bins at Yerecoin! Photo - October
2011 |
York - Carriage Cafe
Down near the Avon River is the Carriage Cafe
(which makes an excellent lunch!). In this old guard's van is where they
make the food and drink. There are a couple of other old train vans
adjacent. Very picturesque and recommended - a good spot to take the
kids for lunch. Photo - September 2010 |
All images published on this website are copyright © of the webmaster. See About section for clarification and special schools permission |