Photographs of Perth, Western Australia | |||
Dwellingup Dwellingup is situated in the Darling Range 23km east of Pinjarra. In 1909 the site was planned as being the terminus of the Pinjarra to Marrinup railway and gazetted as a town a year later. Variations on the name spelling include Dwellingerup and Dwellingupp. The name has nothing to do with living in the hills, it is derived from an Aboriginal term meaning 'place of nearby water'. The town was almost totally destroyed in the devastating 1961 bush fires |
West to Meelon | East to Marradong | ||
Dwellingup - Railway Station Dwellingup railway station looks quite resplendent in its federation colours. Steam excursion trains, run by the Hotham Valley Railways, leave from here on Sundays, most Saturdays and Wednesdays during school holidays. Steam Ranger trains do forest runs and also go down to Isandra Siding which is about half-way to Pinjarra. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL001 |
Dwellingup - Railway Station Dwellingup railway station. A diesel-hauled Hotham Valley Railway afternoon passenger forest excursion train awaits departure time. October 2011. Photos Ref: DWEL002 |
Dwellingup - Railway Station This is steam locomotive G123 ready to haul its three passenger coaches a few kilometres into the forest. 40-50 years ago this locomotive was based in Bunbury and was used as a yard and jetty shunter. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL003 |
Dwellingup - Railway Station These carriages are out for a run today. Other carriages rest in the sheds, not needed today. A couple of small diesels relax nearby. They won't be needed until the summer fire-season when the steam locomotives cannot operate. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL004 |
Dwellingup - Railway Station Turntable Dwellingup has under construction its very own locomotive turntable. That's the pit and the spindle. The lines in and out are still being laid. March 2021. Photos Ref: DWEL005 |
Dwellingup - Railway Station Turntable Here is the piece which will rest and turn on the spindle. Locomotives move onto the top of this and then rotated. I don't think even Pinjarra has one of these but used to have a trinagle in the paddock on the other side of the highway. March 2021. Photos Ref: DWEL006 |
Dwellingup - Visitor Centre The Dwellingup History and Information Centre. This place is just down the track from the train station. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL007 |
Dwellingup - Jarrah Log The Log and Whim near the Visitor Centre. This jarrah log was felled by Whittakers Sawmillers. At the time of felling, this tree was around 600 years old. July 2013. Photos Ref: DWEL008 |
Dwellingup - Football Oval The Dwellingup oval. Now I'm sure that tree stump used to be down at full forward. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL009 |
Dwellingup - Community Hotel Dwellingup Community Hotel enjoying quite a good patronage today. There was a whole lot of 50-60 vintage Ford Mustangs etc outside, plus a number of motor cycles. The hotel was built in 1911 and survived the 1961 bush fires. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL010 |
Dwellingup - Community Hotel Another look at the Dwellingup Community Hotel nearly 4 years on from the one above. How things can change. Can you spot the differences? July 2013. Photos Ref: DWEL011 |
Dwellingup - Newton Street A view up Newton Street taken from down near the hotel. The junction up there is McLarty Street (off to the left) and the Pinjarra - Williams Road (to the right). Turn right for Pinjarra or left for Boddington. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL012 |
Dwellingup - Original Post Office This clothes shop is on the opposite corner to the local deli. Rather a windy and wet day today. This building was the originally a post office. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL013 |
Dwellingup - Craft Shop On Newton Street is the delightful Village Crafts shop. On these premises was once the town pharmacy. July 2013. Photos Ref: DWEL014 |
Dwellingup - RSL Sub-Branch The picturesque wooden RSL Sub-branch on the main street. So typical of the jarrah wooden-slatted architecture of many cottages in the area. This was originally the 1911 constructed Marrinup School and was relocated here after the 1961 fires. The earlier Dwellingup RSL building was destroyed in the fires. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL015 |
Dwellingup - CWA House The Dwellingup Country Women's Association rooms. I believe this building once operated as a nursing post. The original CWA rooms were lost in the 1961 fires. This building used to be the Huntly school house and was relocated here post-1961. Both Huntly and Banksiadale suffered enormous property losses in the fires and neither of the towns were ever rebuilt. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL016 |
Dwellingup - Community Hall The shiny Dwellingup Community Hall on McLarty Street contrasts with black rain clouds in the background. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL017 |
Dwellingup - Millhouse Restaurant The Millhouse Restaurant at 41 McLarty Street. Open Thursday to Sunday for a hearty lunch, coffee or to grab a takeaway. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL018 |
Dwellingup - Wellington Restaurant One of the few quite splendid restaurants/cafes in town. Good food here at reasonable prices and a hearty log fire burning keeps the place toasty in winter. August 2009. Photos Ref: DWEL019 |
Dwellingup - Anglican Church St Marks Anglican Church is on Newton Street across the road from the primary school. This building was originally located at Holyoake and was built in 1923. Shortly after construction, someone tried to burn down the church. That didn't succeed and nor did the 1961 Dwellingup bush fires. Photo - July 2013. Photos Ref: DWEL020 |
Dwellingup - Primary School At the top of Newton Street is the Dwellingup Primary School. The school was established in 1911 but of course these building are not original. . Nice to see a bit of colour on the wall. High school students probably still bus down to Pinjarra every day. The sign over the main entrance 'Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off, Dwellingup WA'. July 2013. Photos Ref: DWEL021 |
Dwellingup - District Old Primary Schools Next to the Primary School are these old remembrance signs of district primary schools gone by. Nanga Brook 1909-1916, 1920-1943, 1944-1961; Hakea 1936-1940; Holyoake 1911-1961; Marrinup 1868-1875, 1911-1913; Huntly 1930; Chandora undated. Good to see that they are remembered. January 2021. Photos Ref: DWEL022 |
Dwellingup - Primary School Shed This shed is part of the primary school compound and judging by the construction style and materials would feature in the earlier days of the school. January 2021. Photos Ref: DWEL023 |
Dwellingup - Sleeper Cutters Shed Just south of the primary school is this representation of an early Sleeper Cutter's Shed. The sleepers were cut to underlay railway lines. January 2021. Photos Ref: DWEL024 |
Dwellingup - Wooden Cottage This is a typical Dwellingup cottage proudly maintained and looking like a picture. These are mostly made from local jarrah with iron roofs. After the 1961 bush fire, a number of outlying homes which were untouched by the fire were moved into the townsite. July 2013. Photos Ref: DWEL025 |
Dwellingup - Bibbulmun Track The famous Bibbulmun Track runs through Dwellingup on its way from Kalamunda to Albany. Here's a section of the track. Track hikers would find the town a welcome stopping point. July 2013. Photos Ref: DWEL026 |
Dwellingup - Saw Mill I believe this is the only fully operation saw mill remaining in Dwellingup. Piles of beams await transport out of town which go by road. The saw deposits mill-ends via this conveyor to a heap probably destined for fireplaces in local homes. July 2013. Photos Ref: DWEL027 |
Dwellingup - The Wine Tree Holyoake At Holyoake is The Wine Tree. Inside is a rather splendid restaurant decked out in all sorts of local memorabilia including an old motor cycle and a motor vehicle. Tables tops are of solid, single jarrah slabs. A large orchard at the rear provides fruit which can be fortified into something stronger to tempt the palate of discerning diners. July 2013. Photos Ref: DWEL028 |
Dwellingup - Sculptured Bush How about this for a well trimmed bush at the front of someone's house? Very clever. July 2013. Photos Ref: DWEL029 |
Dwellingup - Community Centre Over the railway crossing and just a couple of hundred metres up on Del Park Road is the Community Centre. This is an aged care facility providing chalet type accommodation. This building seems to be an administration centre complete with a hair dressing salon. These look very like old school rooms. December 2020. Photos Ref: DWEL030 |
Dwellingup - Community Centre Memorial Gates At the front of the Community Centre are these Memorial Gates. The plaque reads: "These Gates were erected by the RSL in 1947 as a Memorial to all those from this district who paid the supreme sacrifice during World Wars I and II. Lest We Forget". December 2020. Photos Ref: DWEL031 |
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