Photographs of Perth, Western Australia | |||
Elgin Elgin is a small farming locality situated between Capel and Boyanup on the Boyanup Road West and Railway Road which run through this area. The old Boyanup to Capel railway runs through the district, indeed both Trigwell and Elgin once boasted railway sidings. These days the sidings have gone but the unused track remains. Traditionally Elgin is dairy country with some beef. Settlement commenced in the 1830's. The name Elgin is of Scottish origin |
West to Capel | East to Boyanup | ||
Elgin - Hall On the corner of Railway and Elgin Roads in the very smart Elgin Hall. This was built in 1931. Elgin is within the Shire of Capel so hall bookings can be made through the shire. December 2016. Photos Ref: ELGN01 |
Elgin - Bus Stop The school bus stop next to the hall together with background water tanks. December 2016. Photos Ref: ELGN02 |
Elgin - Water Supply Non-potable water is available from this outlet next to the hall and bus stop. The water is free for fire fighting - any other use then it must be paid for. December 2016. Photos Ref: ELGN03 |
Elgin - Railway Crossing A view looking across the railway crossing north along Elgin Road. December 2016. Photos Ref: ELGN04 |
Elgin - Railway Line Looking along the track west towards Capel. This line came through in the early 1890's and a siding was established here around 1895. The siding buildings and facilities were probably on that land left of the track. This line has been closed for over 30 years now. December 2016. Photos Ref: ELGN05 |
Elgin - Elgin Road South The Elgin Road pushes on further south after crossing Railway Road and passing the hall. This is looking south. December 2016. Photos Ref: ELGN06 |
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