Photographs of Perth, Western Australia | |||
Boyanup A small town on the South Western Highway situated 18 kms south of Bunbury. The main industries include dairy farming and fruit growing. Construction of the Bunbury - Boyanup rail line commenced in 1888 and the townsite of Boyanup was gazetted as such in 1894. The name prefix Boya is common in the area and is of Aboriginal origin. Confusion with Boyup Brook's earlier name of Boyup saw that town appending the word Brook to help clarify matters |
North to Dardanup | South to Donnybrook | ||
West to Elgin | |||
Boyanup - Welcome Sign This sign welcomes you to Boyanup. This one is on the road coming in from Dardanup. July 2015. Photos Ref: BOYN001 |
Boyanup - Preston River Bridge The road bridge spans the Preston River. Up ahead is Bridge Street and the town centre. Behind is the road to Dardanup. July 2015. Photos Ref: BOYN002 |
Boyanup - South Western Highway A quiet looking main street on a Sunday morning. This is looking north from next to the bakery. The main street is the South Western Highway. The highway used to change into Bridge Street then run off to Dardanup but now what was the North Boyanup Road running to Bunbury has been renamed the South Western Highway. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN003 |
Boyanup - General Store On the north side of town is this lunch bar, general purpose store and newsagency. It was busy today with people dropping in for milk and the Sunday Times and other produce. The shop has also been known as Cope's Store and was once a Saveway. It was established in 1923 as Crawford Young, so I believe. The original shop was the red-roofed section towards the left. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN004 |
Boyanup - Bull and Bush Tavern The Boyanup Bull and Bush Tavern on Bridge Street. This used to be called the Railway Hotel. It was built in 1921. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN005 |
Boyanup - Old Boyanup Cafe On the South Western Highway is the Old Boyanup Cafe, Lunch Bar and Bakery. This was opened circa 1928 and across the years has also been known as Old Boyanup Bakery and Metters Wood-Fired Peel Oven. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN006 |
Boyanup - Quirky Den Next to the Boyanup Cafe is the Quirky Den, which appears to sell bric-a-brac. An old shop and residence. Construction date and early use is unknown however it could be the 1930 constructed Tuck Shop. July 2015. Photos Ref: BOYN007 |
Boyanup - Antique Shop Just off the South Western Highway on Simmons Street is this antique shop. July 2015. Photos Ref: BOYN008 |
Boyanup - Old Shops This pair of shops on the South Western Highway don't appear to be occupied at present. July 2015. Photos Ref: BOYN009 |
Boyanup - Gingerbread House On the South Western Highway is the Gingerbread House for Functions, High Teas and Kid's Parties, also Lollies, Cakes and Coffee. July 2015. Photos Ref: BOYN010 |
Boyanup - Butcher's Shop This is the Boyanup Meat Supply on Bridge Street next to the Tavern. The shop frontage is hardly larger than a side of beef! The original shop was built in 1912 and then modified in 1950. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN011 |
Boyanup - Railway Bogie Just what is this railway bogie doing here at the north end of town? Perhaps it is part of commemorating the times when Boyanup was a really important rail town on the Bunbury-Bridgetown and Bunbury-Boyup Brook lines or promoting the local Transport Museum, or a bit of both. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN012 |
Boyanup - Challenge Dairy This is the Challenge Dairy on the east side of town. Very, very quiet here on a Sunday morning. I read somewhere today that this dairy had gone broke. In actual fact it did and now (in 2012) the premises are owned by Harvey Fresh who use it for storage. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN013 |
Boyanup - Railway Station This is what is left of the Boyanup railway station. You can see the remains of the platform. That old English oak tree was planted on 12th January 1904 by one Terence Reilly, commemorating the birth of his 4th son, Hugh. Another plaque on the platform remembers the completion of the Bunbury - Boyanup rail line on 12th March 1891. Graham McKinnon (local MLC) unveiled the plaque in 1979. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN014 |
Boyanup - Railway Station Looking down the track at Boyanup. To the left is what remains of the old railway station and platform. The old oak tree can be seen. In the distance is the water tower and on to what was once the North Boyanup Road (now South Western Highway). Photos Ref: BOYN015 |
Boyanup - Transport Museum Who knows that there is a Boyanup Transport and Rural Museum? Well, I didn't until today. Regrettably it's closed until further notice. This old railway signal is in the "stop" position, halting anyone wanting to go into the museum until it's opened again. February 2011. (December 2012 update: The Museum was re-opened in November 2012). Photos Ref: BOYN016 |
Boyanup - Transport Museum I was able to walk around the perimeter of the closed museum. Recognize this? It's a diesel rail car (ADG 610 or 614 - built in 1954) that used to ply the Perth-Armadale-Fremantle-Midland lines pre-electrification and pre those later silver diesel rail cars which were in service. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN017 |
Boyanup - Transport Museum Another railcar in the Boyanup museum (ADA class). This is one of the metropolitan diesel service carriages which was hauled by a locomotive. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN018 |
Boyanup - St Georges Anglican Church This is St Georges Anglican Church, Boyanup. The church was consecrated in 1906. For a long time, the Foundation Stone has been obscured by bushes and shrubs which have recently been cleared. Now revealed, the stone reads "A.M.D.G. This Foundation Stone was laid by Mrs Venn. December 16th, 1905". July 2015. Photos Ref: BOYN019 |
Boyanup - Former Methodist Church Originally the Boyanup Methodist Church built in 1956. This was until recently an Opportunity Shop for the Anglican Church. Rustic French Living now occupy the premises. The Foundation Stone was is simply inscribed "Boyanup Methodist Church, Dedicated to the Glory of God, 30-06-1956". July 2015. Photos Ref: BOYN020 |
Boyanup - St Louis' Catholic Church This pretty looking church is the Catholic Parish of Dardanup and Boyanup, St Louis' Church Boyanup, on Bridge Street. The church was erected in 1913 through the efforts of the Rev. Dean Martelli who regularly travelled by train from Bunbury to Boyanup to conduct services. February 2011. Photos Ref: BOYN021 |
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