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A very small settlement on the Donnybrook - Boyup Brook road, almost halfway between Donnybrook and Mumballup - beautiful countryside. This is more of a district rather than a townsite as apart from the store, surrounding areas are farms and their buildings. Lowden is in the Preston Valley, indeed the Preston River flows just north of the store. The locality is one gateway to the Ferguson Valley which is just north of here. The origin of the name is unknown

West to Donnybrook  

Lowden - Preston Valley Store

This is the Preston Valley Store in Lowden. It sits aside the Donnybrook - Mumballup Road. It was previously called the Lowden Store and was constructed in 1916. February 2011. Photos Ref: LOWD001


Lowden - Preston Valley Store

A close-up of the front of the store, still going strong, seven and a half years after the above pic was taken. July 2018. Photos Ref: LOWD002


Lowden - Preston Valley Store

The side of the store which faces the Ferguson-Lowden Road. July 2018. Photos Ref: LOWD003


Lowden - Railway Line

A couple so shelters and signs over the road from the store. You can see the defunct Donnybrook to Boyup Brook railway line. July 2018. Photos Ref: LOWD004


Lowden - Railway Line

Looking south across the Lowden-Grimwade road the railway line is still very evident though it has not been used for decades. July 2018. Photos Ref: LOWD005


Lowden - Frog Hollow

The dell across the road from the store must have been started as competition to Gnomesville up in Wellington Mills. July 2018. Photos Ref: LOWD006


Lowden - Road Sign

This road sign tells you exactly where Lowden is located. Grimwade distance is obscured but it is 27. July 2018. Photos Ref: LOWD007


Lowden - Ferguson Road Valley

Just a couple of kilometres up the Ferguson-Lowden Road you enter the foothills to the Darling Scarp with some magnificent valleys. Can you glimpse the old railway line in the foregound? July 2018. Photos Ref: LOWD008


Lowden - Ferguson Road Valley

Another rather stunning valley on the Ferguson-Lowden Road. July 2018. Photos Ref: LOWD009

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