Photographs of Perth, Western Australia | |||
Pickering Brook Pickering Brook is centred on Canning Road in the hills and is predominantly a fruit growing area. It is approx 26 kilometres east from the Perth City centre. Not surprisingly, the suburb was named after the local Pickering Brook. The Brook gained its named from early settler Edward Picking whose name was occasionally misspelt as Pickering. A part of this area used to be called Carilla. The suburb was gazetted as Pickering Brook in 1973 |
North to Bickley | South to Karragullen | ||
Pickering Brook - Store on Canning Road Pickering Brook is located east of Kalamunda and Carmel on Canning Road. This is the general store. May 2008. Photos Ref: PKBR001 |
Pickering Brook - Store on Canning Road Some things change so rapidly without us even noticing. The Pickering Brook Store has hardly changed at all over the last 9-10 years. October 2017. Photos Ref: PKBR002 |
Pickering Brook - Historic Church An interesting historic church next door to the Pickering Brook Primary School. This used to be the Barton's Mill Prison Chapel and was relocated to this site in or before 2008. The old Chapel is located in the Heritage Park. July 2012. Photos Ref: PKBR003 |
Pickering Brook - Historic Church This is another side-on view of the historic church showing six doorways which might lead to small accommodation units. July 2012. Photos Ref: PKBR004 |
Pickering Brook - Primary School Pickering Brook Primary School looks quite picturesque, particularly the rear around the oval with pleasing views. The school was established as far back as 1915. July 2012. Photos Ref: PKBR005 |
Pickering Brook - Cider House The Cider House is rather a new edition in the district albeit very popular. It's just a stone's throw the school and churches, about 500 metres on so up Merrivale Road. Many people there today enjoying fine fare either indoors or in an alfresco area overlooking orchards and hills. July 2012. Photos Ref: PKBR006 |
Pickering Brook - Mobil Garage The old Mobil garage more or less opposite the primary school on Pickering Brook Road. The days of profitable fuel sales have gone but the shed is a hive of mechanical repairing activity these days. (Passing by in October 2017, this place is for sale and the business looks to be closed). July 2012. Photos Ref: PKBR007 |
Pickering Brook - Catholic Church On Merrivale Road is Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church. The Church was opened on 7th December 1997 by Rev. Monsignor Michael Keating. July 2012. Photos Ref: PKBR008 |
Pickering Brook - Valley View A look across the verdant valley with dormant fruit trees between McCorkill Road to Forrest Road over in the distance, from near the rear of the primary school. In this valley is Piesse Gulley. July 2012. Photos Ref: PKBR009 |
Pickering Brook - Bus Shop and Shed A bus stop on Pickering Brook Road with a full-of-character patched-up farming shed across the paddock at the rear. July 2012. Photos Ref: PKBR010 |
Pickering Brook - Fruit Storage Sheds Pickering Brook is all about fruit growing and marketing. This is the premises of Central Cool Storage Cargo Holdings where they pack and store fruit. July 2012. Photos Ref: PKBR011 |
Pickering Brook - Railway Vans This type of scene really adds to the charm of the locality. Old railway vans in front what appear to be fruit storage sheds. July 2012. Photos Ref: PKBR012 |
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