Photographs of Perth, Western Australia | |||
Welshpool Welshpool is an industrial area to the south-east of Perth and adjacent to Cannington and Kewdale. Industry in this area prevailed due to the proximity of the Kewdale Freight Terminal and the Welshpool Road arterial road. The suburb is named after Welshpool Road which is turn in named after a town in Wales. The road was named in 1889 and the suburb in 1895. In 1908 residents unsuccessfully tried to have the railway station re-named to Canterbury |
North to Kewdale | South to Cannington | ||
Welshpool - Poultry Farmers Factory Along Rutland Avenue near Welshpool station is the Poultry Farmers Co-Op factory which manufactures poultry feed. It's been here for many a year. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS001 |
Welshpool - Wesfeeds Factory Across the railway from the Poultry factory on Sevenoaks Street is the prominent Wesfeeds factory. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS002 |
Welshpool - Railway Line A view from Welshpool station looking across the tracks and over towards Wesfeeds as a Thornlie 'T' pattern train recedes on its way to the next stop which is Queens Park. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS003 |
Welshpool - Railway Station Welshpool station and again a picture featuring Wesfeeds in the background. The camera zoom creates an illusion of all those power poles and lights being crowded close together. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS004 |
Welshpool - United Bakery The United Bakery Pty Ltd building on Adrian Street. This business is currently up for sale. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS005 |
Welshpool - Joobaitch House This brick building is the W.A. Museum's Collection and Research Centre. The building was bought by the W.A. Government in 2003 and was subsequently named Joobaitch House in 2004. It is located on Kew Street on the corner of Orrong Road. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS006 |
Welshpool - Leach Highway Bridge This is a look over the fence in the grounds of Joobaitch House. Busy Orrong Road is down below. The bridge above carries Leach Highway. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS007 |
Welshpool - Planet Lunch Bar On Planet Street this little shop is the Planet Lunch Bar. It is a small establishment sandwiched (pun intended) between a couple of large factories. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS008 |
Welshpool - Double Decker Buses On Division Street, this group of Leyland double-decker buses are resting on a vacant lot. They look like ex-Sydney buses. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS009 |
Welshpool - Bradken Factory Now this is what a real Sim City factory looks like. Towers and pipes and valves and stuff. Well, I think it's Bradken but that could be next door. Either way, it's an interesting factory. Bradken also has the iron and steel foundry in Wundowie. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS010 |
Welshpool - Brookfield Rail A rather amazing oasis in an industrial desert. Poetic licence used of course. Set amongst beautiful gardens on Adams Drive is the HQ of Brookfield Rail. This company is a prominent player in the construction and upgrade of railways all across Western Australia. October 2012. Photos Ref: WELS011 |
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