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An inner-city suburb west of the city centred on Oxford and Vincent Streets and bounded by West Perth, Subiaco and Mount Hawthorn. Leederville is named after Mr William Leeder who was the first landowner in this area. That was in 1833. The area became known as Leederville by 1895 and was declared a municipality with this name in 1896. Leederville contains a mix of restaurants, pubs and traditional shops, a vibrant balance which some nearby suburbs have arguably lost


Leederville - Flight Centre

This is one of the most prominent old buildings in the Leederville town centre. This building is now occupied by Flight Centre and Chocolateria San Churro. The building was constructed in 1904. The Heritage Council website simply lists this as a Commercial Building with no other details. It's on the south east corner of the intersection of Oxford and Vincent Streets. May 2013. Photos Ref: LEED001


Leederville - Post Office

On the north east corner of Oxford and Vincent Streets is this Dome coffee lounge. This was once the Leederville Post Office. The building was erected in 1897 and continued to operate as a post office until 1999. The new post office is on Vincent Street just behind this old one. January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED002


Leederville - New Oxford Theatre

On yet another corner of Oxford and Vincent Streets is The New Oxford Theatre which opened in 1927. Fickle theatre patronage resulted in this place having a chequered history. In 1966 the building became the Nickelodeon. In 1972 it had become the Olympia. By 1979 the name reverted to the New Oxford. In the 1990's the name Luna Theatre was adopted which has prevailed to this day. May 2013. Photos Ref: LEED003


Leederville - New Oxford Theatre

An update of the New Oxford Theatre showing off the new colour scheme. January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED004


Leederville - Street Art

On the building next to the New Oxford Theatre facing Vincent Street, the wall is adorned with this rather clever street art. Pictured is just part of it. January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED005


Leederville - Oxford Street

Oxford Street looking south along the shops - down towards the railway station area. January 2009. Photos Ref: LEED006


Leederville - Oxford Street

Oxford Street looking north along the shops, up towards Vincent Street. January 2009. Photos Ref: LEED007


Leederville - Newcastle Street

A look east down Newcastle Street from Oxford Street. You can see the Leederville Hotel down there on the left and the old building now occupied by Subway on the right. May 2013. Photos Ref: LEED008


Leederville - Subway Snags QQQ

This old building is on the southern corner of Newcastle and Oxford Streets. This was erected along with neighbouring buildings in 1906 as retail and commercial buildings. Now the home of Subway, Snags restaurant and Gypsiana, amongst others. July 2013. Photos Ref: LEED009


Leederville - Subway

Another view of the old commercial building from which Subway operates. This shows both the Newcastle and Oxford Streets faces. This could easily have been a bank in days gone by. January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED010


Leederville - Kailis Fish Market

Just about as far south as you can go on Oxford Street. This is the Kailis Bros Fish Markets building and business. The fish markets were established in 1926. January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED011


Leederville - Fibber McGees

Fibber McGees, what a magic name for this Irish Pub and Steakhouse, on Newcastle Street, in central Leederville, situated right across the road from the Leederville Hotel. This pub was established in 1998. The building itself was constructed as a commerical building back in the early 1900's. July 2013. Photos Ref: LEED012


Leederville - Leederville Hotel

Looking along the Newcastle Street side of the Leederville Hotel. Up the road is the intersection with Oxford Street. The hotel was built in 1897. May 2013. Photos Ref: LEED013


Leederville - The Garden Restaurant

A little east of the Leederville Hotel on Newcastle Street is the impressive looking "The Garden - Eat and Drink Differently" restaurant. January 2013. Photos Ref: LEED014


Leederville - Mechanic's Institute

Dentists on Vincent now occupy this building on Vincent Street. The Foundation Stone was laid by John Veryard Esq. on December 8th, 1908. This was built as the local Mechanic's Institute. In 1913 it was taken over by the RAAF and was used as a Drill Hall. The adjoining Barracks Buildings and parade ground would have extended all the way to the Luna Theatre but they have since been demolished. The Commonwealth Government sold the property in 2000. January 2013. Photos Ref: LEED015


Leederville - Odd Fellows Hall

Eyes-On at 217 Oxford Street could easily be a clever replica of an old building. However it's not, although both inwardly and outwardly it has been altered somewhat. This was constructed in 1896 and the Foundation Stone was laid by Sir John Forrest, Premier, on November 3rd, 1896. This was built as a medical and financial services facility and hall for the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF). Later it was used as the local Buffaloes Lodge. January 2013 Photos Ref: LEED016


Leederville - Institute of Technology

The Central Institute of Technology buildings face Oxford Street, north of Vincent Street. January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED017


Leederville - Aranmore College

Aranmore College and the Catholic precinct dominate much of the area around the western end of Franklin Street. This new building is the college's Arts and Sports Centre and is viewed from Oxford Street. January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED018


Leederville - Aranmore College

A school was first built on this site in 1903 and it was known as Aranmore School. The pictured buildings were constructed as St Mary's Convent of Mercy and the Foundation Stone was laid by Archbishop P. J. Clune on May 24th, 1933. The Convent became the Christian Brothers College in 1942. In 1988, Archbishop Foley re-named the school once more, reverting to the original Aranmore. Aranmore Catholic College, in full. The section in the foreground contains the Administration Centre, January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED019


Leederville - St Mary's Church

Across Franklin Street from Aranmore College is St Mary's Catholic Church. The Foundation Stone was laid by Archbishop P. J. Clune on May 6th, 1923. January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED020


Leederville - St Mary's Presbytery

Adjacent to St Mary's Church is the Presbytery. The building looks somewhat younger than the church and was probably built in the 1930's, at around the same time as the College. January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED021


Leederville - St Mary's Hall

Facing Oxford Street is St Mary's Hall. This was built in 1929. Behind the hall is the Presbytery and beyond that the Church. January 2015. Photos Ref: LEED022


Leederville - International Beer Shop

At 256 Oxford Street is the International Beer Shop. It's been here for some years now. It used to be located on McCourt Street (north) in West Leederville. January 2018. Photos Ref: LEED023


Leederville - Oxford Hotel

Up in the northern reaches of Oxford Street, on the corner of Anzac Terrace, sits the Oxford Hotel. The was constructed in 1904. The building has been significantly modified across the decades. January 2012. Photos Ref: LEED024


Leederville - Railway Station

Leederville train station taken from the north. I believe the architect who designed this was inspired by a wave. And indeed it does resemble a wave. This was opened in 1992. December 2007. Photos Ref: LEED025


Leederville - Primary School

Adjacent to Leederville Oval is the old Leederville Primary School. This is one of the original buildings. The school was built between 1896 to 1901 and operated thus until closure in 1993. The school closed due to declining enrolment. Now this is the home of the School of Isolated and Distance Education. July 2013. Photos Ref: LEED026


Leederville - Football Oval Gate

At Leederville Football Oval, here is the Phil Matson Gates where you can part with a modest amount of cash to go in and watch the game. The entrance is off Vincent Street next to the Department of Sport and Recreation building. July 2013. Photos Ref: LEED027


Leederville - Oval East Perth Rooms

This is a fairly new appendage to the main grandstand. It's on the southern side. This is East Perth's clubrooms. This used to be the West Perth home ground (from 1915) until they moved to Arena Joondalup. East Perth moved here from Perth Oval (now NIB Stadium). Subiaco has moved out of Subiaco Oval and is now a cotenant here with the Royals. July 2013. Photos Ref: LEED028


Leederville - Oval Grandstand

The rear of the main grandstand at Leederville Oval looms high. It looks somewhat 1960's in design. July 2013. Photos Ref: LEED029


Leederville - Oval Grandstand

Standing on the oval itself and looking back towards the main grandstand. East Perth has their own much smaller stand off to the left and Subiaco has something very similar off to the right. So do just visitors sit in here? July 2013. Photos Ref: LEED030

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